Archives for January 2021

Cloves (Laung)

Cloves Scientific Name

Syzygium aromaticum

Cloves Other Names

English: Cloves
French: Clou de girofle
Hindi: Laung, Lavang
Sanskrit: Lavanga

What is Clove?

Clove is a plant grown in parts of Asia and South America. It is used in both whole and ground forms. It is a common ingredient season pot roasts, hot beverages, and to bring spicy warmth to cakes, cookies, biscuits and syrups. Apart from the flavor component, Clove is a powerful immune-boosting herb. The common forms of cloves used in medicine are oils, dried flower buds, leaves, and stems.
Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine both use cloves in their herbal prescriptions especially when the formula requires heating or body warming properties. Clove oil is used to cure tooth-ache and teething problems in children. Additionally, cloves are used for their digestion-aiding and immune-boosting properties.

Common forms of Cloves

Powder, Oil, Seeds

Clove is commonly used for:

Cloves Dosage

Therapeutic dosage of clove depends on the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. At this time there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses for clove. Be sure to follow relevant directions on product labels and consult your pharmacist or physician or other healthcare professional before using.

Cloves Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not known.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant women: Clove is likely safe when taken by mouth in amounts commonly found in food. There isn’t enough reliable information to know if clove is safe to use in larger medicinal amounts when pregnant or breast-feeding. Stay on the safe side and stick to food amounts.
Children: Clove oil intake is likely unsafe for children as it is more concentrated and can cause severe side effects such as seizures, liver damage, and fluid imbalances.
Injecting clove oil into the veins is not recommended and can cause side effects such as breathing problems and lung disease.

Where to Buy Cloves in US?


Neem Scientific Name

Azadirachta indica

Neem Other Names

English: Margos Tree, Neem Tree
Hindi: Neem
Sanskrit: Pakvakrita, Nimba

What is Neem?

Neem is a tree from the mahogany family and distinctly known for it’s robust medicinal properties along with it’s extremely bitter taste. Almost every part of the tree like bark, leaves, seeds root, flower, and fruit are used for different medicinal decoctions.
This wonder herb is a cornerstone in preventive health remedies to achieve holistic wellness. Especially used for it’s anti-infectious properties, Neem is also known to promote hair and skin health.

Common forms of Neem

Powder, Seed Oil, Tablets, Juice

Neem is commonly used for:

Neem Dosage

Powder: 3-6 gm
Juice: 10-20 ml
Decoction: 20-50 ml

Neem Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not known.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant women: Avoid intake of Neem oil and Neem bark during pregnancy as it is linked with miscarriage.
Children: Some serious side effects in children include vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, blood disorders, seizures, loss of consciousness, coma, brain disorders, and in rare cases death.
Do not use neem if you have had an organ transplant.

Where to Buy Neem in US?

Shatavari (Wild Asparagus)

Shatavari Scientific Name

Asparagus racemosus

Shatavari Other Names

English: Buttermilk Root, Climbing Asparagus, Wild Asparagus
Chinese: Tian Men Dong
Hindi: Shatavari
Sanskrit: Shatavari, Satvar, Satmuli
Other: Chhotta Kelu, Vari Pali

What is Shatavari?

Shatavari, also known as “Queen of Herbs”, is a remedy for close to 100 types of diseases. A herb that is mostly used by females as hormone balancer and to uplift female health, it is an incredible herb to treat menopause-related symptoms, prevent blood clots, maintain a healthy heart, treat rheumatism, relieve depression and aid in weight loss.

Common forms of Shatavari

Juice, Powder, Capsule, Tablet, Syrup, Liquid extract

Shatavari is commonly used for:

Shatavari Dosage

Juice: 2-3 teaspoons once a day.
Powder: ¼-½ teaspoons twice a day.
Capsule: 1-2 Capsules twice a day.
Tablet: 1-2 Tablets twice a day.
Syrup: 1-2 teaspoons twice a day.

Shatavari Side-effects and Warnings

Common side effects: Runny Nose, Coughing, Sore throat.

Not so common side effects: Mild diuretic action, which might affect how the body metabolizes other medications.

Pregnant or Nursing mothers: Not known.

Children: Not known.
Being allergic to shatavari is possible. Shortly after taking the supplement, a person with an allergy may experience:
1. Breathing difficulties
2. Itchy skin or eyes
3. A rash or hives
4. Rapid heart rate

Where to Buy Shatavari in US?

Amla (Gooseberry)

Amla Scientific Name

Phyllanthus emblica

Amla Other Names

English: Indian gooseberry
Hindi: Amlaki, Amla
Sanskrit: Amalaki

What is Amla?

Amla, popularly known as “Indian Gooseberry” is rich source of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants that builds a strong immune system. It also aids in boosting energy, improve reproductive health and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The tonic is considered to be good for heart and arterial system, sense organs and mind.

Common forms of Amla

Powder, Juice, Tablets, Amla in Nutritive Jam (Chyavanprash)

Amla is commonly used for:

Amla Dosage

Powder: 1/4 or 1/2 once or twice daily.
Tablet: One to Two Tablets, once or twice daily.
Liquid Extract: A typical dose is a dropper full (about 30 drops) taken in 1–2 ounces of water or juice, one to three times daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Amla Nutitive Jam(Chyavanprash): 1-3 teaspoons, once or twice daily.

Amla Side-effects and Warnings

Common side effects: The high acid content due to high content of Vit C can erode teeth enamel, weakening the teeth the same way as citrus fruits and may at times irritate the throat.
Not so common side effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing mothers: Not known.
Children: Not known.

Where to Buy Amla in US?

Turmeric (Haldi)

Turmeric Scientific Name

Curcuma longa

Turmeric Other Names

English: Indian saffron
French: Curcuma, Safran des Indes, Terre-mérite, Souchet des Indesi
Hindi: Haldi
Sanskrit: Ameshta, bahula, bhadra, dhirgharaja, gandaplashika, gauri, gharshani, haldi, haridra, harita

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is an underground stem part of the East Indian plant called Curcuma longa that is member of a ginger family. Turmeric mainly used in the powder form is full of anti-oxidants and is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It has been found to be useful in relieving pain in cases of osteoarthritis and treat hosts of conditions like hay fever, depression, high cholesterol, liver diseases, itching, heartburn, inflammatory bowel disease, poor memory and stress.
“Curcumin” gives it the yellow color and is used as a everyday spice in foods.

Common forms of Turmeric

Powder, Turmeric rhizome(Roots), Capsules, Oil

Turmeric Dosage

According to The World Health Organization (WHO), Turmeric intake of 1.4 mg per pound (0–3 mg/kg) of body weight is acceptable.
For severe disorders like Hay fever, Depression or Osteoarthritis, 500mg of curcumin (turmeric extract is found to be beneficial)
For more sever conditions like Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, hyperlipidemia or while administering dosage to children, please consult a doctor

Turmeric Side-effects and Warnings

Common side effects: Not known.
Not so common side effects: Not known.
Pregnant Women: Medicinal amounts of turmeric are not recommended.
Children: Not known.
1. Not recommended gallstones or a bile duct obstruction.
2. Not receommended for severe liver diseases.

Where to Buy Turmeric in US?

Ceylon Cinnamon (Dalchini)

Ceylon Cinnamon Scientific Name

Cinnamomum Verum or Cinnamon zeylanicum

Ceylon Cinnamon Other Names

English: Cinnamon
Hindi: Dalchini

What is Ceylon Cinnamon?

Ceylon Cinnamon also known as ‘True Cinnamon’ is bark of the Cinnamon tree, commonly used as flavoring in desserts. It is lighter in colour and milder in flavor than Cassia, or “Fake Cinnamon” Apart from contributing it’s mild spicy flavor, Ceylon Cinnamon is anti-inflammatory, rich in anti-oxidants and has anti-microbial effects making it a powerful immunity enhancer. Scientific studies have shown that Ceylon Cinnamon enhances anti-oxidants enzyme activity in the human body making it an anti-carcinogen.
It has been found to be useful in improving metabolism especially in diabetics and people with high cholestrol. Cinnamon oil, if applied externally can treat insect bites and premature ejaculation.

Common forms of Ceylon Cinnamon

Bark, Powder, Oil

Ceylon Cinnamon is commonly used for:

Ceylon Cinnamon Dosage

Powder: 1-3 grams in divided dose per day.
Oil: 2-5 drops-once twice a day. Oil is also used externally, either directly or after dilution with sesame oil.

Ceylon Cinnamon Side-effects and Warnings

Common side effects: Not known.
Not so common side effects: May cause liver damage, increase risk of cancer, low blood sugar, breathing problems and interactions with certain medications.
Pregnant or Nursing mothers: Not known.
Children: Not known.

Where to Buy Ceylon Cinnamon in US?