Iahas-Nasal Crust

Nasal Crust


What is Nasal Crust?

The nasal crust is a medical condition that occurs when there is an excess build-up of mucus due to irregular mucus production. The mucus turns so thick that it doesn’t get removed normally. There can be many instances to trigger this condition. It can be caused due to some allergens such as pollen, dust, cat hair, dog hair, etc. or it can also be caused by cold temperature. There are various treatments for this condition and Ayurveda has some great remedies to get rid of it.

What are the Symptoms of Nasal Crust?

There are some typical symptoms that people with Nasal crust experience. You may observe a bump inside your nostril which mostly looks like a pimple. Also, there can be small bumps around the hair follicles inside your nostril. People may experience redness and swelling inside and outside of the nostril. They might suffer from aching and soreness in your nose. And of course, you will develop crusting in and around your nostril.

What are the Causes of Nasal Crust?

There are various causes for nasal crusts. However, some of the most common causes are discussed below,
  • Nasal crusts can be caused by inflammation from allergies like dust, pollen, cat or dog hair, etc.
  • Another most common cause is environmental dryness which may dry up the mucous tissues and nasal passage. This leads to the overproduction of mucus which becomes thick due to the dryness and creates nasal crusts.
  • Some diseases such as HIV, Herpes, Sinusitis, nasal cancer may cause this condition as well.
  • It is seen that in very rare cases, nasal crusts are caused by some trauma. Protracted use of nasal sprays can also trigger this condition.

When to see a Doctor?

  • Consulting a doctor for this condition depends on a few factors. In some cases, this condition can be treated by some home remedies and over-the-counter medicines. But there are instances when the condition is severe and needs medical intervention.
  • In case you are suffering from symptoms for more than 10 days, you cannot delay further and need to discuss with the doctor.
  • Fever with nasal crusts needs to be checked by a professional. So do not avoid the condition if it is accompanied by moderate to high fever.
  • There is a chance that your nasal discharge is yellow or green in color and you are also suffering from sinus pain. This may be a bacterial infection and needs to be treated immediately.
  • After a head injury, if you have a nasal crust and you notice blood in your nasal discharge, this may be serious, and you need to rush to the nearby hospital or clinic to get it checked.

Lifestyle Prevention of Nasal Crust

  • The prevention of Nasal crust is very much possible just by following some preventive measures.
  • The most important thing is to keep your nasal passage moist. As soon as you notice any dryness start applying petroleum gel or saline sprays.
  • Inhaling steam frequently is a great process to get rid of nasal crusts.
  • If your nasal crust is causing an allergy, then you can start taking some medicines which will help you prevent nasal crusts.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Nasal Crust

Some great Ayurvedic remedies can help you prevent and cure the condition.
  • Ayurvedic Steam: The easiest process is to inhale steam. Add the same quantity of ginger, ajwain, and turmeric in a bowl of water and boil it together. When it’s boiling hot then take the steam. Don’t forget to cover your head with a towel while inhaling the steam. Be careful steam is very hot so gradually inhale steam and take care not to burn yourself.
  • Amalaki: Amalaki can be a great source of Vitamin C so add one tsp of amalaki in hot water and sip it in at bedtime. Please remember, it cannot be taken alongside triphala, So please avoid this if you are taking triphala at night.
  • Sitopaladi churna: Mix 1 tsp of this churna with 1 tsp of honey and 1 tsp of ghee and take it.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known
Avi Kumar

Avi is an irreverent hard-core Engineer turned Marketer, who is focused on unveiling the secrets of Ayurveda, scientifically. His aim is to research Ayurveda, take what works, discard what's superseded by new discoveries, and in all increase in human knowledge.

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