
Amla (Gooseberry)


Amla Scientific Name

Phyllanthus emblica

Amla Other Names

English: Indian gooseberry
Hindi: Amlaki, Amla
Sanskrit: Amalaki

What is Amla?

Amla, popularly known as “Indian Gooseberry” is rich source of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants that builds a strong immune system. It also aids in boosting energy, improve reproductive health and maintain healthy cholesterol levels. The tonic is considered to be good for heart and arterial system, sense organs and mind.

Common forms of Amla

Powder, Juice, Tablets, Amla in Nutritive Jam (Chyavanprash)

Amla is commonly used for:

Amla Dosage

Powder: 1/4 or 1/2 once or twice daily.
Tablet: One to Two Tablets, once or twice daily.
Liquid Extract: A typical dose is a dropper full (about 30 drops) taken in 1–2 ounces of water or juice, one to three times daily, or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
Amla Nutitive Jam(Chyavanprash): 1-3 teaspoons, once or twice daily.

Amla Side-effects and Warnings

Common side effects: The high acid content due to high content of Vit C can erode teeth enamel, weakening the teeth the same way as citrus fruits and may at times irritate the throat.
Not so common side effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing mothers: Not known.
Children: Not known.

Where to Buy Amla in US?

Avi Kumar

Avi is an irreverent hard-core Engineer turned Marketer, who is focused on unveiling the secrets of Ayurveda, scientifically. His aim is to research Ayurveda, take what works, discard what's superseded by new discoveries, and in all increase in human knowledge.

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