Turmeric (Haldi)

Herbs, Spices

Turmeric Scientific Name

Curcuma longa

Turmeric Other Names

English: Indian saffron
French: Curcuma, Safran des Indes, Terre-mérite, Souchet des Indesi
Hindi: Haldi
Sanskrit: Ameshta, bahula, bhadra, dhirgharaja, gandaplashika, gauri, gharshani, haldi, haridra, harita

What is Turmeric?

Turmeric is an underground stem part of the East Indian plant called Curcuma longa that is member of a ginger family. Turmeric mainly used in the powder form is full of anti-oxidants and is rich in anti-inflammatory properties. It has been found to be useful in relieving pain in cases of osteoarthritis and treat hosts of conditions like hay fever, depression, high cholesterol, liver diseases, itching, heartburn, inflammatory bowel disease, poor memory and stress.
“Curcumin” gives it the yellow color and is used as a everyday spice in foods.

Common forms of Turmeric

Powder, Turmeric rhizome(Roots), Capsules, Oil

Turmeric Dosage

According to The World Health Organization (WHO), Turmeric intake of 1.4 mg per pound (0–3 mg/kg) of body weight is acceptable.
For severe disorders like Hay fever, Depression or Osteoarthritis, 500mg of curcumin (turmeric extract is found to be beneficial)
For more sever conditions like Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver, hyperlipidemia or while administering dosage to children, please consult a doctor

Turmeric Side-effects and Warnings

Common side effects: Not known.
Not so common side effects: Not known.
Pregnant Women: Medicinal amounts of turmeric are not recommended.
Children: Not known.
1. Not recommended gallstones or a bile duct obstruction.
2. Not receommended for severe liver diseases.

Where to Buy Turmeric in US?

Chinmayi Kulkarni

Chinmayi is a Nutritionist turned Marketer, with Masters in both Marketing and Nutrition. Her focus is to combine her knowledge to understand and evangelize Ayurveda.

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