


Katuki Scientific Name

Picrorhiza kurrooa

Katuki Other Names

English: Picrorrhiza, Hellebore, Yellow Gentian
Sanskrit: Katuki, Katurohini and more
Chinese: Hu Huang Lian
Hindi: Kutki, Katuka

What is Katuki?

Katuki is a rare-small perennial herb, found in the high mountain elevations of the Himalayas. It grows to a height of about 30 cms.
Kutki is considered to have properties that are anti-bacterial by nature which makes it a powerful herbal anti-biotic and anti-microbial. It has also been found effective for digestion, elimination of excess fat and cholesterol from the body and boosting metabolism.
Katuki is most popularly known for properties that protect and heal the liver.

Common forms of Katuki

Powder, Tablet, Capsule

Katuki is commonly used for:

Katuki Dosage

Powder: 4 to 8 pinch once or twice a day.
Capsule: 1 capsule once or twice a day .
Juice: 2-3 once a day.

Katuki Side-effects and Warnings

Common side effects: It is a known laxative, so it can worsen diarrhea.
Not so common side effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing mothers: Not recommended without consulting an ayurvedic doctor.
Children: Not known. But, administer low dose.

Where to Buy Katuki in US?

Chinmayi Kulkarni

Chinmayi is a Nutritionist turned Marketer, with Masters in both Marketing and Nutrition. Her focus is to combine her knowledge to understand and evangelize Ayurveda.

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