What is Dandruff?
Dandruff, scientifically known as Seborrheic dermatitis, is a condition where your body sheds dead scalp cells which then fall out of your hair. It isn’t serious nor contagious; however, it is known to be embarrassing in common culture.
What are the Symptoms of Dandruff?
Typical: Dandruff signs and symptoms tend to flare in the cold and dry seasons, as well as when you are more stressed. Symptoms and signs include:
- Dead skin flakes (Dandruff) on your shoulder, mustache, bear, eyebrows, or scalp.
- Irritated scalp
- Infants show signs of scalp irritations (crusty and scaly)
What are the Causes of Dandruff?
Dandruff is most commonly caused by a lack of blood supply to the scalp. Since there is a lack of oxygen and protein, the scalp becomes dry and flaky. Less commonly, dandruff can be caused by a lack of Vitamin B-6 or an excess Vata Dosha, which makes the skin dry. Dandruff has various causes such as:
- Dry scalp
- Oily and Irritated skin
- Not using enough shampoo
- Adverse reaction to certain hair products
- Skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis
When to see a Doctor?
The majority of dandruff cases don’t require a doctor’s visit. See your dermatologist if your dandruff doesn’t improve after trying over-the-counter dandruff shampoo and trying these Ayurvedic remedies.
Regular screening: Not required because dandruff is self-diagnosable.
Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Dandruff
- Wash and clean scalp often
- Maintain a healthy diet
- Use an anti-dandruff shampoo
- Talk with your dermatologist about a haircare regime.
- Avoid long sunlight exposure on the scalp
- Avoid stressful situations or activities
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