Apamarga Scientific Name
Achyranthes aspera
Apamarga Other Names
Hindi: Chirachinta, Chirchira,Onga, Chinchingi, Latjira, Chirchita
Sanskrit: Apamarga
Tamil: Shiru kadaladi, Nayuruvi
French: Herbe a Bengalis, Herbe sergen, Queue de rat
Spanish: Cadillo chichoborugo, Cadillo de mazorca, Mazotillo
Latin Name: Achyranthes aspera Pennel
What is Apamarga?
Apamarga, also known as “Devil’s Horsewhip,” is a plant in which both the plant and seeds are rich in and certain constituents such as tannins, saponins, and flavonoids that help maintain overall health.
According to Ayurveda, regular consumption of a handful of Apamarga seeds will help to manage fat and therefore decrease weight. Apamarga powder with honey will helps to improve digestion due to its Deepan (appetizer) and Pachan (digestive) effects. Use water or milk when applying Apamarga leaves or paste to the skin because it may lead to skin irritation and skin rashes due to its hot potency. Directly applying the juice of Apamarga leaves to an irritated area will help in wound healing due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory effects. It can also be used to provide relief from ulcers due to its anti-ulcer and gastroprotective activity.
Common forms of Apamarga
Root, Seed, Leaf, Whole Plant
Apamarga is commonly used for:
- Treating an abdominal lump
- Relieving pain in the abdomen
- Treating Malabsorption syndrome
- Treating Gastroenteritis (stomach flu)
- Urinary Tract infection (Cystitis)
- Treating Indigestion
- Tastelessness
- Treating Piles
- Fighting ear diseases and leucoderma
- Treating Anal fistula
- Treating gravel in urine
- Treating kidney stones
- Tinnitus
- Treating Helminthiasis
- Treating Hernia
- Relieving Asthma
- Treating cold, cough, and other respiratory diseases
Apamarga Dosage
Churna: ¼-½ teaspoon twice a day.
Capsule: 1-2 capsules twice a day.
Powder: 2-5g or as per your requirement.
Paste: 2-4g or as per your requirement.
Oil: 2-5 drops or as per your requirement.
Apamarga Side-effects and Warnings
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnancy or breast-feeding: Avoid using Apamarga.
Children: Not known. Apamarga should be used in small quantities or under supervision if your child is below 12 years old.
Use water or milk when applying Apamarga leaves or paste to the skin because it may lead to skin irritation and skin rashes due to its hot potency.
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