
Tamarind (Imli)


Tamarind Scientific Name

Tamarindus indica

Tamarind Other Names

English: Tamarind, Indian date
Hindi: Imali, Imli, Ambli
Sanskrit: Cinca

What is Tamarind?

Tamarind fruit, mainly used for its high content of tartaric acid, is used widely in Indian cooking to impart sweet acidity to foods. In Ayurveda, Tamarind is useful in treating cardiac disorders, non-healing wounds, anorexia etc.
Tamarind has certain laxative properties and is used to treat mild to moderate constipation. It helps to boost immunity as it is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, making it useful in managing the common cold. Tamarind, at different stages of ripeness, affects and balances levels of the Doshas (Kapha, Vata, Pitta). Recent research has suggested the presence of a certain compound in Tamarind that is similar to Mucin, the wet substance that protects the cornea, found in eyes and hence can be potentially used to treat dry eyes.

Common forms of Tamarind

Powder, Oil, Pulp Concentrate, Paste

Tamarind is commonly used for:

  • Treating coughs and colds
  • Relieving constipation
  • Treating fever
  • Eradicating intestinal worms
  • Treating stomach, liver and gallbladder problems
  • Managing pregnancy-related nausea

Tamarind Dosage

For dry eyes: Eye drops containing up to 1% tamarind seed sugars have been found to alievate 4-5 times a day.
1/2 tsp of Tamarind pulp/paste/powder with a glass of warm water

Tamarind Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not Known.
Not so common side-effects: Not Known
Pregnant and nursing mothers: Stick to food amounts for safer dosage
Children: Not Known.
In some cases, Tamarind, was found to interfere with post-surgery blood sugar control. It is advisable to avoid Tamarind at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.

Where to Buy Tamarind in US?

Chinmayi Kulkarni

Chinmayi is a Nutritionist turned Marketer, with Masters in both Marketing and Nutrition. Her focus is to combine her knowledge to understand and evangelize Ayurveda.

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