Kathal, commonly known as Jackfruit, was first cultivated in Southeastern Asian countries for years. Its unique appearance is complemented by its sweet taste. Kathal does have a unique musky smell, nonetheless, it is a distinct tropical fruit. Consuming Kathal has various benefits like boosting your immunity, improving your digestion, and preventing constipation. Furthermore, it works to improve cardiovascular health along with providing protection from piles and colon cancer.
Common forms of Kathal
Raw Fruit, Seeds, Powder
Kathal is commonly used for:
Treating constipation
Treating ulcers
Treating Diabetes
Controlling high blood pressure
Treating skin problems
Kathal Dosage
The proper dosage depends upon several life factors like age, health and several other conditions.
Kathal Side-effects and Warnings
Common side-effects: Not known. Not so common side-effects: Not known. Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Not known. Children: Not known.
Warning: Kathal fruit may cause an allergic reaction in some people.
Chinmayi is a Nutritionist turned Marketer, with Masters in both Marketing and Nutrition. Her focus is to combine her knowledge to understand and evangelize Ayurveda.
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