Agaru Scientific Name
Aquilaria malaccensis
Agaru Other Names
Hindi: Agar
Europe: Agilawood, Eaglewood
Japan: Jinko
Chinese: Chenxiang
Sanskrit: Aguru, Loh, Krimji, Krumija, Krimijagdha, Anaryaka, Vishvaroopakam, Pravara, Jongakam, ShreshtaVriksha, Vamshika
What is Agaru?
Agaru, obtained from the Agarwood tree mainly known for its incredible fragrance, used in making incense has a pungent odor and bitter taste.
In Ayurveda, Agaru oil is prescribed for external application to relieve joint pain by balancing the Vata dosha.
Agaru Powder along with honey acts as an expectorant and helps in liquefying the mucus and clearing the air passages. It is Usha, i.e heat-producing, and helps in balancing Kapha dosha. It is found to be beneficial in treating Ear-Nose-Throat disorders, Asthma cough, etc. It also helps in managing liver damage.
Common forms of Agaru
Powder, Oil
Agaru is commonly used for:
- Treating cough, cold, and Bronchitis
- Promoting healthy appetite
- Curing joint pain
- Treating skin disease
- Healing wounds
- Eradicating intestinal worms
- Treating bad breath (halitosis)
- Ceasing persistent hiccups
- Curing Chyluria (chylous urine) or milky white urine
- Managing gout, and rheumatoid arthritis
Agaru Dosage
Oil: 2-5 drops or as prescribed
Agaru Side-effects and Warnings
Common side-effects: Unsafe only if taken undiluted. Immediate symptoms might be chest pain, vomiting, difficulty swallowing/breathing where emergency medical assistance might be required.
Not so common side-effects: Not known
Pregnant and Nursing Mothers: Not enough scientific evidence to establish safety. Avoid use
Children: Not known.
Take under medical supervision only, if suffering from diabetes or heart disease.
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