Iahas-Gulbakshi-Mirabilis Jalapa

Gulbakshi (Mirabilis Jalapa)


Gulbakshi Scientific Name

Mirabilis Jalapa

Gulbakshi Other Names

English: Marvel of Peru, Beauty-of-the-night, Common four o’ clock, False jalap, Four o’ clock, Four o’ Clock flower, beauty-of-the-night
Hindi: Gule-Aabbas, Akashmuri, Andhi mandarai, Anthimalari, Chandrakantha, Chandramalli, Godhuli gopal
Sanskrit: Krishnakeli, Krisnakeli, Sandhya-Raga, Sandhyakali
Chinese: Xǐzǎo Huā, Zhǔfàn Huā, Yan Zhi Hua, Fen Dou Hua, Ye Fan Hua, Zhuang Yuan Hua, Ding Xiang Ye
French: Belle-De-Nuit, Merveille du Pérou t
German: Wunderblume, Gewöhnliche Wunderblume, Gemeine, Vieruhrblume, Falsche jalapa, Vieruhrblume

What is Gulbakshi?

Gulbakshi, also known as the “marvel of Peru,” the “Jalapa root,” and the “Four O’clock flower” is a plant that is widely found in India. The Gulbakshi flowers usually bloom between 4pm and 6pm, hence called the Four O’clock flower. Gulbakshi has incredible health benefits and is used in the treatment of various diseases in Ayurveda. Various ancient civilizations including the Aztec civilization have used Gulbakshi for many medical purposes. It has wound-healing, aphrodisiac, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, laxative, and anti-poison properties.

Common forms of Gulbakshi

Seeds, Root

Gulbakshi is commonly used for:

  • Reducing Inflammation
  • Treating wounds
  • Aphrodisiac properties
  • Treating Earaches
  • Fighting fungal infections
  • Treating animal bites
  • Increasing urine production (Diuretic)
  • Stimulating valve movement (Purgative)
  • Treating skin problems
  • Maintaining sexual health

Gulbakshi Dosage

Appropriate dosage of Gulbakshi depends on the user’s age, health, and several other conditions. As of right now, there is not enough scientific information to determine an appropriate range of doses of Gulbakshi. Consult the doctor before taking for therapeutic usage.

Gulbakshi Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Gulbakshi is unsafe when taken orally. It has powerful effects on the bowel that might cause irritation of the digestive tract, including diarrhea, vomiting, and a loss of important chemicals such as potassium.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnancy or breast-feeding: It’s unsafe to use Gulbakshi when pregnant. It might start your period, which could cause a miscarriage. Do not use Gulbakshi when breastfeeding.
Children: Not known.
Gulbakshi can irritate the digestive tract and make your condition worse. Don’t use Gulbakshi if you have one of these conditions: Digestive tract problems, such as appendicitis, ulcers, Crohn disease, or ulcerative colitis.

Where to Buy Gulbakshi in US?

Chinmayi Kulkarni

Chinmayi is a Nutritionist turned Marketer, with Masters in both Marketing and Nutrition. Her focus is to combine her knowledge to understand and evangelize Ayurveda.

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