

Formulations, Herbs, Spices

Chyawanprash Scientific Name

Phyllanthus emblica

Chyawanprash Other Names

Hindi: Chyawanprash

What is Chyawanprash?

Chyawanprash is one of the most effective anti-ageing supplements and the oldest ayurvedic formulation that is being consumed for generations in India. It is purely herbal in nature with Amla or Gooseberry as its main ingredient, Chyawanprash is a powerful antioxidant that is linked to anti-carcinogenic properties. It is considered as an Ayurvedic rasayana (life-invigorating) which helps to improve immunity and physical strength. It sheilds the body from various seasonal infections caused by dust, dirt, bacteria, fungus, viruses and other other ailments linked to weather-change, by maintaining the body homeostatis. The Sanskrit term ‘prash’, means special food formulation and ‘Chayawan’ is the name of the Sage who developed this formulation of vitality and youth.
This incredible formulation is an abundant source of antioxidants like Vitamin C and other micronutrients contributing to it’s therapeutic effects. Chyawanprash is a great supplement for the heart and blood vessels for combating elevated cholesterol levels. The formulation consists of 12 vital ingredients including Amla, Neem, Pippali, Ashwagandha, Safed Chandana, Tulsi, Elaichi, Arjun, Brahmi, Kesar, Ghrita and Shahad.

Common forms of Chyawanprash


Chyawanprash is commonly used for:

  • Stimulating healthy appetite
  • Aiding digestion
  • Preventing nausea and vomiting
  • Relieving cough and breathing difficulties
  • Managing cardiac health and heart problems
  • Treating painful micturition and urinary track disorders
  • Treating eye problems
  • Treating anaemia
  • Improving skin complexion
  • Treating tuberculosis
  • Preventing ageing
  • Treating and preventing abdominal tumours
  • Managing diabetes (after consulting with the doctor)
  • Rejuvenating the whole body
  • Improving intelligence
  • Improving muscle strength
  • Controling hiccups
  • Relieving sore throat
  • Relieving pseudo-satiation (false sateity that does not transcend to a deeper level)
  • Treats infertility (after consulting with the doctor)
  • Relieving emesis (dry heaving before vomit)
  • Treating diarrhoea
  • Treating skin disorders
  • Preventing jaundice
  • Eradicating intestinal worms
  • Treating piles

Chyawanprash Dosage

Children: ½ to 1 teaspoon
Teenagers: 1 to 2 teaspoon
Adults: 1 to 3 teaspoon, If it is consumed twice a day, then it must be administered 30 minutes before dinner or at least two hours post-dinner.

Chyawanprash Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Excessive consumption is linked with indigestion, abdominal gas and bloating (flatulence), diarrhoea and distention.
Not so common side-effects: Burning sensation in the stomach.
Pregnant Women: Due to the lack of safety data, pregnant women should consult with a physician before taking chyawanprash as a supplement. Avoid Chyawanprash during pregnancy or use it after consulting the doctor.
Children: Not Known.

Where to Buy Chyawanprash in US?

Chinmayi Kulkarni

Chinmayi is a Nutritionist turned Marketer, with Masters in both Marketing and Nutrition. Her focus is to combine her knowledge to understand and evangelize Ayurveda.

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