Iahas-Caraway Seeds-Karavi Seeds

Caraway (Karavi) Seeds


Caraway Seed Scientific Name

Carum carvi

Caraway Seed Other Names

English: Caraway, Carvies, Carum, Persian Cumin, Medidein Fennel, Wild Cumin, Carroway
Hindi: Gunyan, Jeerka, Jangi Dhania, Jeero, Kalazera, Kaalaa Jiiraa, Kalazira
French: Anis Des Vosges, Cumin De Montagne, Carvi, Cumin Des Prés, Carvi, Faux Cumin
German: Echter Kümmel, Feld-Kümmel, Feldkümmel, Gemeiner Kümmel
Spanish: Alcarahueya, Alcaravia, Alcaravea, Comino De Prado, Carvi
Latin: Carvum, Careum
Sanskrit: Karavi

What is Caraway Seed?

Caraway plant has interesting legends claiming that it prevents thefts and lovers from losing interest in each other. In Ayurveda, specifically, it is mostly used in the form of oil, fruit and seeds for its medicinal and healing properties.
Caraway seeds are rich in dietary fiber, essential to maintain digestive health, and acts a laxative to prevent constipation. The fiber adds bulk to the diet and improves bowel movement in the gut. The fiber from caraway seeds binds with the toxins (mainly carcinogens) and flushes them out of the body acting as an effective anti-carcinogen and protects the colon membrane. It also lowers the bad cholesterol level.

Common forms of Caraway Seed

Oil, Seeds, Powder

Caraway Seed is commonly used for:

  • Treating asthama
  • Curing poor appetite
  • Treating nausea, constipation, gas, stomach ache, indigestion (dyspepsia) etc.
  • Treating menstrual cramps, poor blood flow etc.
  • Increasing milk secretion in Lactating mothers.
  • Stabilizing blood sugar levels
  • Aiding weight-loss
  • Reducing and managing blood cholesterol levels
  • Improving sleep
  • Anti-oxidant property
  • Anti-carcinogenic property
  • Promoting heart health
  • Treating colds/congestion
  • Stopping endless coughs
  • Diuretic action

Caraway Seed Dosage

Oil: 50-100 mg of caraway oil per day has been used in combination with peppermint oil

Caraway Seed Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Liver damage if consumed in excess.
Not so common side-effects: People with sensitive skin can have rashes and itching.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Possibly unsafe as caraway oil is been used to start menstruation which might lead to miscarriage.
Children: Not Known.
Using caraway oil with peppermint oil might lead to burping, heartburn and nausea.
Consumption of caraway seeds must be stopped before 2 weeks of scheduled surgery as it lowers blood pressure and acts as blood-thinner

Where to Buy Caraway Seed in US?

Chinmayi Kulkarni

Chinmayi is a Nutritionist turned Marketer, with Masters in both Marketing and Nutrition. Her focus is to combine her knowledge to understand and evangelize Ayurveda.

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