Archives for September 2021


What is Smoking?

The obsession with smoking has two major reasons: nicotine addiction and tension. Once a person grows into a heavy smoker, he or she must accomplish just the “right” quantity of nicotine to sustain the appropriate performance of the brainpower and regular digestion and removal. Likewise, at times of stress or emotive disruption, heavy smokers routinely go for a cigarette. So, two corresponding approaches are required: purifying the nicotine toxicity and dealing with the mental pressure.

What are the Symptoms of Smoking?

Symptoms of smoking and related diseases, disorders, and conditions include:
  • Addiction from smoking has many symptoms. Some of the symptoms are quite evident as they are visible.
  • Heavy smokers have awful breath and staining teeth. You may also notice stains on their fingers which are caused by heavy use of nicotine. They also have cold hands and feet. After some point in time, they may suffer from loss of smell and taste. Even they have smelly clothes and hair. They always have little acceptance for exercise as most of the time they suffer from shortness of breath. Heavy smokers tend to have hypertension which causes them a rapid heart rate. One of the most common symptoms of being a heavy smoker is to suffer from a persistent sloppy cough that produces phlegm. That may lead to a hoarse voice.

What are the Causes of Smoking?

  • Regardless of the occurrence of smoking, the circumstances that start a person to begin smoking are hard to know. In several instances, smoking is started at a young age because of peer pressure, tobacco marketing, or the notion that smoking is appropriate to conduct. Lots of people who begin smoking have a family member or close friend who smokes.
  • Once begun, cigarette smoking is hard to break. It is an eminent reality that smoking is conduct that can turn into addiction because of the presence of nicotine and other chemicals produced from smoking. Like several other addictive ingredients, these chemicals generate a sequence of biochemical responses and enjoyable feelings to which you can instantly become familiar. Frequent tobacco consumers ultimately develop a need to go through these feelings to feel normal, which makes stopping a tough task.
  • There can be other factors that may trigger smoking as well. Aggression may lead to smoking. That’s a behavioral disorder which triggers smoking in young adults. In case there are smokers in the family and they are unable to educate the teenage smokers past high school, that may also cause smoking. Some People may start smoking due to low self-confidence which makes them stressed out. Low self -confidence is generally caused by poor financial or social status and most commonly by poor academic performance.

When to see a Doctor?

Addiction to cigarette smoking may lead to several severe health conditions. Such as lung disorders, COPD, asthma, Diabetes, Heart Disease, and various cancers like Colon, Cervix, Liver, Stomach, and Pancreatic Cancer. So whenever you are experiencing anything abnormal in your body, you need to see a doctor without further delay. Again quitting addiction also has many symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, fatigue, constipation. So Be very cautious if you are a heavy smoker and maintain a screening process every 6 months.

Lifestyle Prevention of Smoking

  • Preventing smoking is possible through some lifestyle changes. Follow some preventive measures to keep yourself fit and active. Quitting smoking is important but gradually quitting is advised rather than suddenly stopping it. Let us understand the preventive measures of smoking addiction.
  • Whenever you have a desire to smoke, chew one of two small pieces of dried pineapple. Keep some pieces of dried pineapple, mix it with honey and chew it. This is going to help you reduce the desire to smoke instantly.
  • Dealing with stress is important as smoking is majorly caused by stress. So Meditation is important to reduce stress. Stress reduction is directly linked with smoking reduction.
  • Try some yoga. Yoga will help your body to heal from within. Smoking is causing a lot of damage to your health and by doing yoga you can minimize the effect of those conditions. Postures like moon saluting, locust pose, bow, plow, etc. are very effective.
  • Some breathing exercises will help your lungs to heal. Try pranayama. Pranayama is one of the most effective breathing exercises that will help your heart and lungs to regain power and function properly.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Smoking

Ayurvedic remedies can help an addictive person to quit addiction. The most effective ayurvedic remedy is Agni Tea.
Agni Tea:
  • 1 quart water
  • ⅛ pinch cayenne pepper
  • ½ handful minced ginger root
  • 2 tablespoons Sucanat or other sweetener
  • ⅛ to ½ teaspoon rock salt
Put all the above ingredients in a pot and boil for 20 minutes. Take the pot off the burner, cool for a few minutes, then add the juice of half a lime. Do not boil the lime juice.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Chitrak | Katuki | Ginger | Cayenne pepper | Rock Salt
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known

Sore Throat

What is Sore Throat?

A sore throat is a condition that occurs when you suffer from pain, itchiness, and inflammation in your throat that frequently deteriorates when you swallow up. There can be numerous causes that can trigger this condition. However, the most common sore throat is caused by virus contamination. Mostly it can be settled on its own.

What are the Symptoms of Sore Throat?

The typical symptoms of sore throat can be pain and scratchiness in your throat that makes you struggle to swallow your food. However, in some severe cases, this might be accompanied by fever, vomiting, sneezing, or coughing.

What are the Causes of Sore Throat?

As we have already discussed, a sore throat can have various causes. Most commonly, it is caused by viral infections such as colds, influenza, coronavirus, etc. However, there are some instances when it can be triggered by other illnesses like measles, allergies, muscle strain, tumors, etc.

When to see a Doctor?

In most cases, a sore throat will be settled on its own if it is caused by a virus. However, if the condition doesn’t improve even after trying over-the-counter medicines and home remedies within a few days, then you should visit a doctor to get it checked.

Lifestyle Prevention of Sore Throat

Preventing sore throat is possible by following some measures. Let us understand what are the ways to avoid this condition.
  • It is believed that some Yoga postures can help you prevent sore throats. Lion pose is very effective on sore throats.
  • Practicing breathing exercises like pranayama or Bhramari is also very useful.
  • Certain foods can be avoided in case you already have a sore throat. Try to avoid foods like cheese, ice creams, yogurts, etc. It is better if you also avoid fermented foods

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Sore Throat

Some great Ayurvedic remedies may help you treat sore throats. Herbs and spices such as Ginger, Cinnamon, Turmeric are very effective in relieving sore throat.
  • Gargle: Possibly the easiest cure, and one that is extremely useful, is gurgling. Ayurveda advises using a cup of warm water and mixing half tsp of turmeric and half a tsp of salt. Gargle twice a day and this will clear your sore throat.
  • Turmeric Milk: Turmeric is a great resource for any illnesses caused by inflammations. So drinking turmeric milk is a very effective cure for sore throat. Mix half a tsp of turmeric with a cup of hot milk and drink once or twice a day.
  • Herbal Tea: This herbal tea with Ginger, Cinnamon, and Licorice is one more effective remedy in treating sore throat. To make this tea, use Ginger 2 parts, Cinnamon 2 parts, and Licorice 3 parts. Steep a tsp of this blend in a cup of hot water for 10 to 12 minutes and drink thrice a day.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known

Sinus Problems (Sinusitis)

What are Sinus Problems?

Sinus problems (Sinusitis) is a medical condition that occurs when an allergic reaction, common colds, or microbial illnesses of the sinuses get congested or infected. This is a disorder of extra kapha that can be exacerbated by many issues, involving cold drinks, dairy foods, and smoking. Sinus complications can generate difficulties of different types, from sinus headaches, wheezing, and struggle breathing to bad breath, ear infections, and sleep apnoea. In severe circumstances, sinus contaminants can result in brain disease, meningitis, or osteomyelitis.

What are the Symptoms of Sinus Problems?

  • There are some typical symptoms of sinus problems such as runny nose, postnasal drainage, congested or clogged nose, difficulty breathing, Ache, soreness and inflammation over your eyes, cheeks, nose, or forehead, loss of small and loss of taste.
  • In some cases, a person may also suffer from Earache, Headache, Painful throat, Bad smell of breath, Exhaustion.

What are the Causes of Sinus Problems?

There are numerous causes of Sinus problems. Some of the common causes are discussed below:
  • In some cases, swellings in nasal polyps can obstruct the nasal passages and can cause sinus problems.
  • Also, an offset septum may limit or obstruct the sinus section, worsening the symptoms of sinusitis.
  • Some medical conditions may trigger sinuses, such as HIV, cystic fibrosis, or any other immune system-connected infections.
  • This is also seen that a respiratory tract infection such as colds may cause sinus problems because it can inflate and solidify your sinus membranes and obstruct mucus to drain. This is mostly caused by viruses or bacteria.
  • Allergic reactions may sometimes cause sinus problems, such as hay fever.

When to see a Doctor?

  • You need to see a doctor if your condition is not improving even after taking over-the-counter medicines for more than 10 days.
  • If you have a fever with other symptoms, you need immediate action. It may be caused by some other infection. In case you are experiencing extreme headaches, you should not delay. In some serious cases, you may suffer from double vision, confusion, or blurred vision. You should not ignore and need to book an appointment immediately.

Lifestyle Prevention of Sinus Problems

  • Preventing sinus problems is possible by following some important measures. Let us understand the way of avoiding this condition.
  • Most importantly, you need to avoid any situations that might cause you upper lung infections. Basic measures like washing your hands frequently, avoiding any contact with an infected person, etc. may help you do that.
  • The allergic reaction may trigger your symptoms of sinus problems. So be very cautious about that. Do not expose yourself to things that may cause allergic reactions.
  • Smoking cigarettes can be a major cause of respiratory infections. So, stop smoking.
  • You may need to avoid dairy products if you already have this condition.
  • Eating clean and healthy food which is full of nutrition and working out daily can help.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Sinus Problems

Some great Ayurvedic remedies can help you treat sinus symptoms. Herbs and spices such as ginger, honey, Sitopaladi, cinnamon are very effective on sinus problems.
  • Ginger: As we know ginger is a great spice that contains an anti-inflammatory gingerol, which decreases swelling in your mucus membranes. To make ginger tea, grate or smash some ginger and put it in the boiling water and after a few minutes, steep it and then drink it. You can use honey to add sweetness to it.
  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is also very effective on any inflammatory-related illnesses. So using cinnamon will help in dealing with Sinus. Applying cinnamon paste on your nose will help you clear the blockages. To make the paste simply mix up 3 tsp of cinnamon powder with water.
  • Sitopaladi: Sitopaladi as well is very effective in lowering congestion caused by the sinus. It also helps in reducing respiratory congestion. Take 1 gm to 2 gm of Sitopaladi churna per day.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Ginger juice with Honey | Sitopaladi, Trikatu and Mahasudarshan Powder Mix | Eucalyptus | Cinnamon
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Goldenseal, Osha | Turmeric and Neem Mix | Sitopaladi, Abrak Bhasma and Mahasudarshan Churna Mix

Spicy Honey Syrup

This homemade syrup is good for sore throat, cough, and even strengthens digestion. For heavy mucus or cough, make a tea by stirring it with warm water and lemon juice and sip throughout the day. This spicy honey can also be used as topping for your desserts or as a part of your charcuterie board.

Best for Kapha dosha.

Prep Time: 10 minutes plus 30 minutes to sit
Total Time: 40 Minutes
Serves: 1 person



  1. Char the cinnamon and cloves on an open flame or on a grill, till they collect ash. And then grind them to a fine black powder
  2. Add honey to this spice powder and place the container inside a double boiler
  3. Add ginger juice and lemon juice and mix well.
  4. Add water if you want a thinner consistency.
  5. Let it sit for 30 mins
  6. Store in an airtight container at room temperature

Serving suggestions

For weight loss tonic, add ground black pepper instead of cloves and double the amount of lemon juice. Mix 1 tablespoon of this syrup into warm water and sip at a 15-minute interval throughout the day.

Check out the Ayurvedic benefits of ingredients used in this recipe

Kidney Bean (Rajmah) Hummus

Give your basic hummus a twist with this recipe. Serve this creamy kidney beans hummus with crisp vegetables in summer or use it to make savory sautés in Autumn, Winter, and spring. This hummus can be used as a dip or a salad dressing or a side dish.

Good for Kapha Dosha.
For Vata/Autumn, serve with Yogurt.
For Pitta/Summer serve with lots of salad vegetables like romaine lettuce.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 Minutes
Serves: 1 person


  • 1 can of Red Kidney beans (you can also use Black beans)
  • 1 T tahini
  • ½ t paprika
  • A pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 1 T lemon juice
  • 1 T extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt to taste (preferably Himalayan salt)
  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Blend together the kidney beans, tahini, paprika, cayenne, and lemon juice until the desired consistency is achieved.
  2. Add olive oil and pulse a few times to blend everything.
  3. Season with salt and pepper and serve.

Serving suggestions

Add fresh seasonal herbs as holy basil or mint leaves for extra flavor.

Check out the Ayurvedic benefits of ingredients used in this recipe


What are Shingles?

Shingles is a medical condition that occurs when you develop a painful rash caused by the varicella-zoster virus. This rash can occur in any part of the body. However, it very frequently emerges as one line of sores that covers over either the left or the right side of your torso. It is not a life-threatening illness but it can be very painful.

What are the Symptoms of Shingles?

  • There are some typical symptoms of Shingles. The most common symptoms you may experience if you have shingles are aching, burning, numbness and tingling.
  • Sensitivity to touch is also a very common symptom of Shingles.
  • You develop a pus-filled sore that breaks open and crust over. Also, it starts with a red rash that starts after a few days of pain.
  • In some cases, you may also experience fever, headaches, and fatigue.

What are the Causes of Shingles?

The main cause of Shingles is the varicella-zoster virus. This virus enters your nervous system after recovery from chickenpox and remains for years. Ultimately, this same virus can get reactivated and move along nerve trails to your skin and you end up getting shingles. However, not everybody who’s gotten chickenpox will have shingles. Shingles usually attack people who have low immunity like older people or people who have underlying disorders like diabetes.

When to see a Doctor?

  • This condition is not a serious health condition, but it is very annoying because of its pain. So it needs to be treated.
  • Most importantly, if you develop any rashes near your eyes and if you leave it untreated, it may cause permanent eye damage. So see your doctor in that case.
  • People above 60 years of age should not avoid it either. A higher age may increase your probability of other health difficulties.
  • People with low immunity systems should consult with the doctor as soon as they develop Shingles.

Lifestyle Prevention of Shingles

  • Some lifestyle prevention can help you avoid this condition.
  • Vaccination is one of them. Proper vaccination can surely help you avoid getting Shingles as well as Chickenpox. Generally, Children are given chickenpox vaccination and adults are given Shingles vaccination.
  • Improving immunity is very important to fight many diseases and this one is no exception. Taking multivitamins helps you prevent Shingles.
  • Smoking lowers immunity. So, quitting smoking is important to avoid Shingles.
  • Following a healthy diet which is full of green vegetables and fruits is really important. Try to add as much green and red food to your diet. Oranges are also very helpful.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Shingles

There are some great Ayurvedic remedies to treat shingles. Some herbs and spices such as Giloy,Neem, Manjishtha, etc. are known for their great anti-viral properties.
  • Giloy: Giloy is an effective herb that assists you in Shingle treatment. Take 2-3 teaspoons of juice, once or twice a day.
  • Neem: Neem is used for treating many skin conditions including Shingles.10-20 ml of neem juice daily can prevent you from many skin related diseases.
  • Manjishtha: This herb is known to treat neuralgia and is very effective on Shingles. Mix ½ – 1 teaspoon of manjistha powder in a glass of water and drink daily. or as per your requirement
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Chimomile Oil | Giloy | Tea Tree Oil | Neem | Manjistha | Turmeric | Triphala | Daruhaldi | Mulethi | Patola (Pointed gourd)
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known