Archives for July 2021


What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a condition where there is inflammation in the joints. Ayurveda distinguishes three different categories of arthritis, each corresponding to Kapha, Pitta, and Vata. To treat your type of arthritis properly, check what type you are:

If you have arthritis due to Vata, your joints will crack and pop because they are not swollen; instead, they are dry and cold to the touch. It will be primarily painful upon movement, with usually one particular tender spot. Exercises like jogging, jumping, trampolining often aggravate the pain.

Pitta-type arthritis is characterized by inflammation, in which the joint becomes swollen and painful. Unlike Vata, this pain is not because of movement. Pitta type often feels hot to the touch and appears red.

In Kapha-type arthritis, the joint also becomes stiff and swollen due to a lack of recent movement. Rather than hot, it feels clammy and cold. A slight movement, rather than worsening the situation, tends to relieve it. The pain usually is more significant in the morning due to the person having been still overnight. As the person begins to move around, the pain diminishes typically.

What are the Symptoms of Arthritis?


  • Pain
  • Stiffness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Decreased range of motion

What are the Causes of Arthritis?

The two main types of arthritis occur:
Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis occurs because there is wear-and-tear damage to your joint’s cartilage. The cartilage acts as a cushion at the end of your bones and helps to provide frictionless joint motion. Too much damage to your cartilage will lead to your bone touching your other bone at the joint, which is excruciating and restricted movement at that joint. Wear and tear generally occurs over the years, but injuries can accelerate this process.

Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis occurs when a person’s immune system attacks the joint capsule, ultimately damaging the cartilage and bone within a joint.

When to see a Doctor?

  • Joint symptoms that last three days or more.
  • Several episodes of joint symptoms within a month.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Arthritis

  • Include Fish in your diet: Fish is known to be full of healthy fat and acids. Try marine omega 3s such as sardines, tuna, or salmon.
  • Control Your Weight: Although it’s easier said than done, controlling your weight is critical for limiting the consequences of Arthritis. However, if you are overweight, you must lose some weight to get you back into a healthy space. The noticed and unnoticed effects of being overweight will alter your life choices and overall condition of living.
  • Exercise: Exercising is a great way to remove excess weight because it allows you to be active and slowly lower your weight. Additionally, long-term exercise is excellent for strengthening tendons and ankles. Try swimming, walking, or some strengthening activities.
  • Avoid Injury: Take care of your body by wearing the proper footwear and stretching before exercising. Your body will thank you for it!

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Arthritis

Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not known.


What is Anemia?

Anemia is a health condition in which the blood lacks healthy red blood cells. These blood cells can be unhealthy for a variety of reasons. Several types of anemia include sickle-cell anemia, pernicious anemia, iron-deficiency anemia, and hypoproteinemic anemia (a lack of protein). Additionally, there are also vitamin-deficiency anemias such as folic and B-12 acid-deficiency anemia. Blood loss can occur because of various bleeding disorders like bleeding gums, bleeding hemorrhoids, or profuse menstrual bleeding.

In Ayurveda, anemia is handled differently. Ayurveda classifies anemia as one of three basic Doshic conditions: Kapha-type, Pitta-type, and Vata-type. It doesn’t matter whether a person has an iron deficiency or folic acid deficiency; however, it is more important how anemia is expressing itself through a particular individual.

What are the Symptoms of Anemia?

Typical: In Vata-type anemia, a person may have a thin appearance. Their joints may have a crackling sound, and their skin may be scaly, rough, and dry. They look pale and abnormally weak and may struggle with constipation, restlessness, have difficulty breathing, or pass black stools.

In Pitta-type anemia, a person may have slightly yellow eyes, strongly colored urine, and dark brown stools with a somewhat yellowish tinge. Moreover, a person may have nausea or pain in their spleen and liver area. In addition, one may experience dizziness, vertigo, or become irritated by light.

In Kapha-type anemia, a person may show signs of clammy, cold skin, and shiny. Frequently, one may show visible signs of edema, which occurs when fluids get trapped in the body’s tissue, which causes the skin to get stretched so much that you may see the reflection of the window on it.

Might Experience: Fatigue, weakness, pale or yellowish skin, irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, chest pain, cold hands and feet, headaches.

What are the Causes of Anemia?

  • Diets lacking vitamin B12
  • Diets lacking in folic acid
  • Inherited blood disorders
  • The body breaks down red blood cells to quickly

When to see a Doctor?

Visit a doctor if you’re feeling fatigued and don’t know why.

Regular screening: The first test that diagnoses anemia is a complete blood count (CBC), which will gather data about your blood.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Anemia

  • Eat iron-rich foods: Foods like carrots, beets, grapes, currants, and raisins are all used in Ayurveda because they are high in iron. In addition, Dates, date sugar, and figs are also high in iron. For iron-rich drinks, pomegranate juice, cranberry juice, beet juice, and carrot juice are all full of iron (for maximum effect, add a pinch of cumin to beet/carrot juice).
  • Yogurt and Turmeric: Both morning and afternoon, have a cup of yogurt with a maximum of one (1) teaspoon of turmeric when on an empty stomach. Do not eat this after sunset. If Kapha is unbalanced, eat only at noon.
  • Blue-green Algae: Blue-green algae is effective for pitta anemia. Since it is full of prana, blue-green algae is unsuitable for Vata individuals because it’ll make them hyper. Kapha types may also find blue-green algae beneficial.
  • Diet and Lifestyle Choices: All three Doshic constitutional types should adhere to the guidelines (diet, exercise, and so on) for their body. For Vata problems, follow the anti-Vata guidelines; for Pitta, anemia follows the pitta-soothing diet and other guidelines; and for Kapha-type anemia, follow the Kapha-reducing guidelines.
  • Yoga Asanas: Yoga is a great way to empower your body. For Kapha and Vata varieties, poses like the Locust, Lotus, Plow, Headstand, and shoulder stand are highly recommended because they bring your blood supply to organs like your brain, thymus, and thyroid. However, a headstand will not be suitable for Pitta types, but the boat, bow, bridge, and sun salutation will be great.
  • Breathing Exercise: For all anemic conditions, Surya Pranayama (Right Nostril breathing) is strongly recommended. Block your left nostril with your right ring finger and breathe only through the right nostril because this will stimulate the liver, which plays an essential role in building and maintaining the blood.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Anemia

Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Guggulu | Ashwagandha | Gambhari | Shatavari | Brahmi | Neem | Katuki | Gokshura

Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Moringa | Sultana

Acne (Acne vulgaris)

What is Acne?

Acne is the small sebum (lipid) filled boils that appear on the skin, mainly on the face where the concentration of sebaceous glands is higher. According to Ayurveda, acne is predominantly seen in those with high Pitta body composition, where breakouts on the skin are common. Ayurveda recommends several approaches to control acne, most of which are mainly to balance the pitta dosha.

What are the Symptoms of Acne?

Typical: Oily skin, skin redness, pain near the nasal area where bumps are beginning to appear, blackheads, Tenderness.

Might Experience: Uneven skin texture, Roughness, Redness.

What are the Causes of Acne?

  • Emotional stress that leads to hormonal imbalance
  • Premenstrual Syndrome or PMS
  • Lack of exercise
  • High intake of fatty foods
  • Exposure to certain chemicals in cosmetics
  • Not exfoliating the skin
  • Constipation
  • Exposure to sunlight

When to see a Doctor?

When acne is a common appearance even beyond the menstrual cycle, it is painful and breakouts do not respond to OTC medicines. Or if you feel your condition is worsening. Or if consistent, Acne is associated with sudden changes in body weight.

Regular screening: Acne can be examined by a simple visual examination of the doctor. The doctor might take a swab to rule out the cause of infection.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Acne

  • Keeping your bowel movement smooth: Keeping your colon healthy and clean is the first step to check your Acne does not aggravate. Include fibrous foods (fruits and vegetables) in your diet. Drink plenty of water. If you do not have oily skin, try castor oil supplements. Try Triphala supplement with warm water.
  • Exercise: Daily exercise and yoga postures like Lion pose and moon salutation help with Acne.
  • Facial massage: Facial massage and everyday relaxation are essential. Especially cleaning off your makeup and wiping your face with aloe vera sap is found to help relieve Acne.
  • Meditation: Emotional stress is one of the major causes of Acne. Regular meditation and Mindfulness practices will certainly help in preventing Acne.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Acne

Here are three pastes you can make at home and apply to your skin. They can be effective in reducing acne.
  • Apply Aloe Vera sap to your face, let it dry and rinse off.
  • Apply a face pack made of Sandalwood powder + Turmeric + Milk. Let it dry and Rinse off (the skin might look a tinge of yellow).
  • Apply neem leaves paste. Allow it to dry, and then wash it off.

Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Kutaki | Guduchi | Shatavari

Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Manjistha | Neem | Tea Tree| Calendula | Chamomile | Lavender | Rosemary | Aloe Vera

Malabar Spinach

Malabar Spinach Scientific Name

Basella alba

Malabar Spinach Other Names

English: Ceylon Spinach, Malabar Spinach, Red Malabar Spinach
Hindi: Poi
German: Malabar Spinat
French: L’épinard de Malabar
Spanish: Espinaca de Malabar
Latin: Spinach Malabar

What is Malabar Spinach?

Malabar Spinach, scientifically referred to as Basella alba, is a vegetable that originated in tropical Asia, specifically Indonesia or Sri Lanka and India. Malabar Spinach grows quickly and has a soft vine-like stem. At its maximum, it can be up to 10 feet long; however, it tends to be smaller in gardens. Its leaves are dark green, ovalular, glossy and thick. The Malabar Spinach leaves hold a mild and slightly peppery flavor. The leaves may be eaten raw, often mixed in a green salad, and steamed or boiled to be used like cooked spinach. In Ayurveda, it works to purify the blood, strengthen the body, treat cardiovascular diseases, and provide a variety of nutrients.

Common forms of Malabar Spinach

Whole, Seeds, Leaves

Malabar Spinach is commonly used for:

  • Strengthening core
  • Purifying blood
  • Rejuvenating sexual desire
  • Treating mouth ulcers
  • Healing wounds
  • Minimizing inflammation
  • Treating hives
  • Treating anemia
  • Treating malnutrition
  • Treating insomnia
  • Healing cracked feet
  • Treating piles
  • Treating bleeding disorders

Malabar Spinach Dosage

Due to a lack of scientific research, there is no clear dosage for Malabar Spinach.

Malabar Spinach Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: It contains a high amount of oxalate, that can bind with calcium and iron and cause your body to absorb less important nutrients temporarily.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Malabar Spinach contains folate, also known as vitamin B9, which ensures normal development of the baby’s nervous system.
Children: Not known.

Consuming an excessive amount of Malabar Spinach may be harmful.

Where to Buy Malabar Spinach in the US?

Check out the Recipes that use Malabar Spinach

Kamrakh (Carambola)

Kamrakh Scientific Name

Averrhoa carambola

Kamrakh Other Names

English: Star Fruit Tree, Carambola Tree
Hindi: Karmarang, Kamarang, Kamrakh
Taiwanese: Dah Pon
Thai: Foang Tung
Malaysian: Maha
Indonesian: Demak
Sanskrit: Brihadamla

What is Kamrakh?

Kamrakh, scientifically known as Averrhoa carambola, is distinct because of its star-shaped feature. Originally from Southeast Asia, it is commonly eaten around the world. It is used as a source of Vitamin C and fiber. In Ayurveda, is commonly used to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cough, and cold. Additionally, juice from Kamrakh leaves helps to reduce blood pressure.

Common forms of Kamrakh

Seeds, Leaves, Fruit

Kamrakh is commonly used for:

  • Maintaining healthy bones
  • Maintaining healthy hair
  • Reducing cholesterol
  • Controlling diabetes
  • Strengthening digestive system
  • Losing weight
  • Treating fever
  • Treating skin diseases
  • Curing scurvy
  • Treating piles
  • Treating various stomach diseases
  • Treating dysentery
  • Controlling asthma

Kamrakh Dosage

Fruit juice: 10-40ml or as prescribed.
Seed powder: 1-2g or as prescribed.
Decoction of leaves: 10-20ml or as prescribed.

Kamrakh Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not known.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Not safe during pregnancy because it may cause uterine contractions.
Children: Not known.

Do not consume Kamrakh in large quantities. Since it contains Oxalic Acid and Caramboxin, those with kidney stones, kidney failure, and are on dialysis treatment should not take Kamrakh.

Where to Buy Kamrakh in the US?


Mugwort Scientific Name

Artemisia vulgaris

Mugwort Other Names

English: Indian Wormwood, Mugwort
Chinese and Singapore: Ai Cao, Ai Ye
Hindi: Douna

What is Mugwort?

Mugwort, scientifically known as Artemisia vulgaris, is a plant that commonly grows to be 1-2m tall. With leaves 5-20cm long and its woody root, Mugwort has a firm stem. In Ayurveda, it is used for respiratory diseases, constipation, treatment of skin diseases, diseases of the liver, and neuromuscular diseases. In Sanskrit, Mugwort is known as Damanaka.

Common forms of Mugwort

Tea, Leaves

Mugwort is commonly used for:

  • Supporting the heart as a cardiac toner
  • Treating skin diseases
  • Relieving clammy skin
  • Treating psychiatric disorders
  • Treating boils and blisters

Mugwort Dosage

Fresh Juice: 5-10ml or as prescribed.
Powder: ½-1g or as prescribed.

Mugwort Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not known.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Not safe during pregnancy because it may cause uterine contractions.
Children: Not known.

Some people might be allergic to this herb.

Where to Buy Mugwort in the US?