Archives for April 2021


Dronapushpi Scientific Name

Leucas cephalotes

Dronapushpi Other Names

English: Spider wort
Hindi: Guma, Gomamadhupati
Sanskrit: Dronachatra, Drona, Drona Kurambaka, Dronapushpa, Katumba

What is Dronapushpi?

Dronapushpi is a flowering weed commonly found in India, Philippines and plains of Mauritius and Java.
In Ayurveda, it is used for its insecticidal properties and for treating scorpion stings and snake bites. It is also found to provide relief in respiratory disorders like asthma, cold, and cough. It has antipyretic properties and helps in reducing chronic or acute fever.

Common forms of Dronapushpi

Powder, Juice

Dronapushpi is commonly used for:

  • Treating scorpion or snake bites
  • Treating skin diseases and removing blood toxins
  • Treating heavy bleeding in menstruation
  • Relieving cough and cold
  • Treating excessive thirst
  • Cough, leucorrhoea
  • Treating acute and chronic fever and allergies

Dronapushpi Dosage

Powder: 1-3 gm or as prescribed
Juice: 5 to 10 ml or as prescribed

Dronapushpi Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Excess intake can cause allergic reactions, burning soles or itchiness.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Lack of sufficient data. Be safe and avoid it.
Children: Not known.

Where to Buy Dronapushpi in US?


Chitrak Scientific Name

Plumbago zeylanica

Chitrak Other Names

English: Leadwort
Latin: Plumbago Zeylanica
Arabian: Sheetaraj
Frsi: Sheetar
Hindi: Chitraka, Cheet, Chita
Sanskrit: Chitrak

What is Chitrak ?

Chitrak, is known as Rasayana in Ayurveda. It is a digestive and carminative herb that is used to treat indigestion, constipation and piles. It has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-viral properties that stimulate and enhance immune response. It is also a known anti-inflammatory and used in treatment of arthritis.

Common forms of Chitrak

Powder, Tablet, Syrup

Chitrak is commonly used for:

Chitrak Dosage

Powder: 2-3 gm daily or as prescribed. a day or as recommended by a physician.
Tablet: 1-2 gm mostly in divided doses daily or as prescribed.
Syrup: 5-10 ml mostly in divided doses daily or as prescribed.

Chitrak Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Stomach upsets like diarrhea and skin rashes.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Can induce menstruation and cause miscarriage. Avoid.
Children: Not known.

Might contain some components that can be toxic if taken in high doses. Consult a doctor.

Where to Buy Chitrak in US?

Gudmar (Gurmar)

Gudmar Scientific Name

Gymnema sylvestre

Gudmar Other Names

English: Cowplant, Australian Cowplant, Gymnema
Hindi: Gudmar, Gurmar
French: Kino des Indes, Pterocarpe a bourse
Sanskrit: Meshashringi, madhunashini

What is Gudmar?

Gudmar or Gurmar is a climber plant and popular Ayurvedic herb for it’s immense medicinal and healing properties.

The leaves of the trees contain gymnemic acids, a bioactive compound, that suppresses sweet taste receptors on the tongue, which makes this a valued herb in diabetic treatment. This herb is also popularly known as Madhunashini in Sanskrit meaning “sugar destroyer”.

Common forms of Gudmar

Powder,Capsules, Tablets

Gudmar is commonly used for:

  • Treating and managing Diabetes
  • Promoting weight loss
  • Curing metabolic syndrome
  • Stimulating digestion
  • Creating malaria and snake bites
  • Curing cough
  • Softening the stools and aiding bowel movement in constipation
  • Increasing urine excretion (diuretic)
  • Treating wounds & ulcers

Gudmar Dosage

Tablets: 1-2 tablets daily or as prescribed
Powder: ¼ – ½ tsp once or twice daily or as prescribed
Capsule: 1-2 capsules once or twice daily or as prescribed

Gudmar Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Excess intake can lower blood pressure and cause nausea, dizziness, headaches, light-headedness, etc.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Avoid taking.
Children: Not known.

Where to Buy Gudmar in US?

Bermuda grass (Durva)

Bermuda grass Scientific Name

Cynodon dactylon

Bermuda grass Other Names

English: Bermuda grass, Conch Grass, Indian doab, Scutch grass
Tamil: Arugampullu
Hindi: Doobh
Sanskrit: Durva

What is Bermuda grass?

Durva or Bermuda grass is a common kind of short grass found in India. It is planted especially for its therapeutic properties. It contains a compound called Agropyrene, a volatile oil, that has anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. It also contains a hormone precursor sitosterol.
In ayurveda it is mainly used in decoctions for it’s anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, hypotensive and anti-cancer properties.

Common forms of Bermuda grass

Fresh Leaves, Juice, Powder

Bermuda grass is commonly used for:

  • Promoting Wound healing
  • Treating stomach ulcer
  • Reducing redness in eyes and treating burning eyes
  • Treating scorpion bites
  • Relieving skin diseases like scabies, herpes, etc.
  • Controlling blood sugar
  • Relieving bleeding gums and other oral problems

Bermuda grass Dosage

Juice: 10-20 ml daily
Decoction: 40-50 ml daily

Bermuda grass Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not known.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Not known.
Children: Not known.

Where to Buy Bermuda grass in US?

Anantmool Root (Sariva)

Anantmool Root Scientific Name

Hemidesmus Indicus

Anantmool Root Other Names

English: Indian Sarsaparilla
Hindi: Sariva, Kapuri
Sanskrit: Anantamool

What is Anantmool Root?

Anantmool, literal meaning of which is “eternal root” has miraculous therapeutic and cosmetic properties and is widely used in Ayurveda. It is mainly found near the seashores and in the Himalayan territories.

Owing to it’s Ropan (healing) and Raktashodhak (blood purifying) properties it is used in Ayurvedic skin medicines. It treats various skin problems like ringworms, psoriasis, eczema, bacterial infections etc.

It is also used in managing female reproductive disorders, promoting digestion and boosting weight-loss.

Common forms of Anantmool Root

Powder, Juice

Anantmool Root is commonly used for:

  • Relieving heartburn
  • Aiding digestion
  • Aiding healthy breast milk secretion
  • Relieving fever
  • Treating skin infections and promoting healthy youthful skin
  • Treating inflammation like Gout and Arthritis
  • Treating respiratory disorders like coughs, colds, asthma, and other chronic respiratory problems
  • Treating anemia
  • Varicose Veins

Anantmool Root Dosage

Powder: ¼ to 1 tsp or as prescribed
Juice: 3-4 tsp twice daily
Paste: ½ to 1 tsp or as prescribed

Anantmool Root Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not known.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Not enough scientific evidence, consult a doctor before use.
Children: Not known.
Can interact with digoxin and cause palpitations.
Can increase the concentration of Lithium in the body, if taken along with lithium supplements.
Can worsen the conditions in kidney patients.

Where to Buy Anantmool Root in US?

Curry Leaves

Curry Leaves Scientific Name

Murraya koenigii

Curry Leaves Other Names

English: Murraya koenigii
French: Feuilles de Cari, Feuilles de Curry
German: Curryblätter
Hindi: Karipatta, Mitha nim, Mitha neem patta
Sanskrit: Alakavhaya, Chhardighna

What is Curry Leaves?

Curry leaves or Indian Curry leaves are named as such due to their widespread use in Indian curries. It is one of the richest sources of Vitamin A.

In Ayurveda, Curry leaves are recommended to be eaten raw on empty stomach to relieve flatulence due to their carminative properties. Curry leaves help in balancing blood cholesterol and blood glucose levels. They have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that protect from the cell damage caused by free radicals.

Common forms of Curry Leaves

Leave, Powder, Capsule

Curry Leaves is commonly used for:

  • Preventing and curing obesity
  • Treating indigestion, diarrhea
  • Treating hair loss and dandruff
  • Treating mouth ulcer
  • Protecting liver
  • Lowering high cholesterol
  • Preventing skin diseases

Curry Leaves Dosage

Powder: ¼-½ tsp daily
Curry leaves Capsule: 1-2 capsules twice daily or prescribed.

Curry Leaves Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not known
Not so common side-effects: Not known
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Not known
Children: Not known.
Excessive consumption can cause a burning sensation in the stomach

Where to Buy Curry Leaves in US?