Archives for September 2021

Quinoa Chia Pudding

Quinoa is light, nutritious, and is a rich source of protein. It is delicate and fluffy and goes really well with the sweet taste of coconut. With the goodness of chia seeds and cinnamon, this is an ideal breakfast to start your day right.

Good for Pitta dosha.

Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Total Time: 25 Minutes
Serves: 2 persons (10-15 Pancakes)


  • ½ cup quinoa
  • 1 T ghee preferably Cow’s ghee
  • ½ t cinnamon powder
  • 2 t chia seeds
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 1 cup homemade coconut milk
  • 1 T shredded coconut
  • 1 T Maple syrup
  • Your favorite fruits and dry fruits for garnish


  1. Rinse the quinoa thoroughly and strain. In the meantime soak the chia seeds in coconut water
  2. Melt the ghee in a pot and toast the quinoa for 1 minute.
  3. Add the cinnamon and stir to mix everything well.
  4. Add water, coconut milk, maple syrup and bring it to a boil.
  5. Reduce the flame to low and add shredded coconut and soaked flax seeds.
  6. Cover and let it cook for 15 minutes.
  7. Remove from heat and let it sit for 5 minutes.
  8. Portion it out and refrigerate.
  9. Serve chilled.

Serving suggestions

Quinoa can be bitter or even soapy tasting, but you can make it sweet and nutty just by giving it a good rinse before cooking. Massage the seeds as you rinse to get to every grain.

Check out the Ayurvedic benefits of ingredients used in this recipe

Vaginal Yeast Infections

What is Vaginal Yeast Infections?

A vaginal yeast infection is a medical condition that occurs when a woman experiences vaginal irritation, itching and discharge. This is a very common fungal infection and also called vaginal candidiasis. This infection affects up to 3 out of 4 women at some point of time in their life.

What are the Symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infections?

There are many symptoms of Vaginal Yeast Infection. Some of the typical symptoms are intense itching and irritation in the vulva and vagina. Most of the women initially experience this symptom. Additionally, you may feel a burning sensation during urination or intercourse. If not treated immediately, you may have swelling in your vulva and develop soreness and pain in your vagina. Also, you might notice a vaginal discharge that is thick, white, and mostly odor-free or you may also have a watery discharge.

What are the Causes of Vaginal Yeast Infections?

The primary cause of vaginal yeast infection is the fungus Candida Albicans. When the yeast of your vagina grows, it causes the infection. The yeast grows under certain circumstances, such as the use of antibiotics may affect the imbalance of the natural vaginal flora and cause the yeast to grow. Pregnancy can also trigger this condition. Health conditions like uncontrolled diabetes may be another cause of this condition. Sometimes taking oral contraceptives can make your vaginal yeast grow and cause the infection.

When to see a Doctor?

You need to see your doctor in case you are experiencing the symptoms of yeast infections for the first time, and you are not sure if these are caused by the vaginal yeast infection. However, you can still try to use over-the-counter antifungal vaginal creams and then visit the doctor if your symptoms aren’t relieved.

Lifestyle Prevention of Vaginal Yeast Infections

Some of the preventive measures are stated as follows:

  • You should never stay in wet clothes for a long time.
  • Try to avoid very hot tub baths. Douching may cause the removal of bacteria that protects the vagina from infections.
  • There is a possibility of getting the infection from scented feminine products such as pads, tampons etc. So, avoid using anything scented of that sort.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Vaginal Yeast Infections

Some Ayurvedic home remedies are really very effective on Vaginal Yeast infections. Some natural vaginal wash made with chamomile tea, Coconut oil, apple cider vinegar, and rose water is very useful in treating this condition. Also applying Aloe-vera gel and tea tree oil with honey is very effective.

  • Aloe-Vera Gel: Refreshing aloe vera gel scrubbed out of the aloe barbadensis leaves has amazing calming and nourishing properties that give instant aid from irritated, swollen scratchy skin. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it impedes the expansion of infection-triggering bacteria or yeasts. Use a slender layer of the freshly removed aloe gel onto the impacted part to alleviate inflammation and deliver a cool sensation.
  • Tea Tree Oil and Honey: Infused with powerful anti-fungal, antibacterial and anti-viral properties, the oil acquired from Tea tree leaves carries high importance in calming, drying up, and reducing swollen skin. Honey on the other hand helps the swollen skin. But one must keep in mind to reduce the tea tree oil in warm water before using it in the area as it may cause a bit of irritation. Inculcate 2-3 drops of tea tree oil in tepid water, add a spoon of honey to it and drop it over the contaminated part applying a cotton ball to get successful results.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:

Turmeric I Licorice and Shardunika Mix I Licorice I Triphala I Garlic I Oregano Oil I Aloe Vera

Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known

Varicose Veins

What is Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins, also known as varicoses or varicosities occur when your veins become inflamed, enlarged, and clogged with blood. Varicose veins usually look inflamed and raised up, and have a blue-violet or red color. They are frequently excruciating, generally occurring in the legs, feet, and ankles.

Though they can be unsightly and awkward, varicose veins aren’t serious for the majority of people. In some cases, varicose veins can lead to severe health complications, such as blood clots.

What are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

The symptoms of Varicose Veins can be painful or painless. If you have painless Varicose Veins you may develop symptoms such as veins that appear bluish or purple and mostly, the veins are twisted and bulging.

In case you are suffering from painful Varicose Veins, you will experience symptoms such as a painful or heavy leg, you may have a burning sensation or throb with swelling in the lower part of your leg. You may also suffer from severe pain after a long time of sitting or standing. Itching and discoloration around the veins are also very common symptoms of Varicose Veins.

What are the Causes of Varicose Veins?

There can be several causes of Varicose Veins. In most cases, Varicose veins are caused by damaged valves. Other than that, there are some factors that may lead to varicose veins, such as, pregnancy, menopause, obesity, family history of varicose veins, old age, standing for a long time, etc

When to see a Doctor?

Most of the time some self-care measures can help your veins to improve. However, in case your condition is getting worse even after trying those self-care measures, you should visit a doctor.

Lifestyle Prevention of Varicose Veins

Preventing Varicose Vein is possible just by following some basic measures. Such as, working out daily, keeping a watch on your weight, maintaining a healthy diet that is high in fiber and low in salt, avoiding high heels, avoiding standing for a long period, etc.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Varicose Veins

Varicose veins can be treated with some Ayurvedic remedies. Some Ayurvedic herbs such as Sariva, Eranda, Manjistha, Gotu Kola, Chirabilva, etc are very effective on Varicose Veins.
  • Manjistha: Manjistha has anti-inflammatory properties which makes it a great herb for treating this condition. It also assists in enhancing the flows of the injured veins and blood vessels. Powder made with manjistha stem and root is a time tested remedy for chronic varicose Veins. The paste made with Manjistha powder and honey is also very effective in removing spots and blemishes.
  • Gotu Kola: Conferred with iron, a crucial residue mineral for healthful red blood cell synthesis and carrying in the system, Gotu kola efficiently removes signs and stiffening from blood vessels, to stimulate soft flow and maintain regular blood pressure. Drinking a herbal mixture of Gotu kola leaf juice works out wonderfully in enhancing collagen, elastic creation. Thanks to the copious quantities of triterpenoid antioxidants, which assist to settle blood vessel injury and strengthen core structures of veins.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known

Urinary Incontinence

What is Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is a serious health condition that occurs when someone loses voluntary control of urination due to vulnerability of the muscular tissue of the bladder, particularly bladder sphincter. This condition can usually be seen more in women than men. This is because a woman’s urethra is shorter. There are some instances when bladder leaking in women during coughing, sneezing or even laughing.

What are the Symptoms of Urinary Incontinence?

The symptoms of Urinary incompetence are categorized based on a few factors. Each factor or cause of the condition may have different symptoms. Let us understand the symptoms of each category.
  • Stress Incompetence: Under this category, your urine seeps out while you apply stress on your bladder by cough, sneeze, exercise or lifting heavyweight.
  • Need Incompetence: The symptoms of need incompetence may include a rapid, strong desire to urinate followed by an unintentional loss of urine. You may want to urinate frequently, including during the night. Need incontinence may be triggered by minor disorders, such as contamination, or a more serious condition for instance a neurological syndrome or diabetes.
  • Overflow Incompetence: You encounter recurrent or constant dripping of urine because of a bladder that doesn’t empty wholly.
  • Event Incompetence: A physical or mental damage prevents you from getting it to the toilet in time. For instance, if you have serious arthritis, you might not be capable of opening your pants fast enough.
  • Combined Incompetence: You suffer more than one kind of urinary incontinence — most often this refers to a mixture of anxiety incontinence and need incontinence.

What are the Causes of Urinary Incontinence?

  • There are various causes of Urinary incompetence. You may experience temporary incompetence or may have persistent incompetence. Both have different causes. Also, some medical disorders may trigger this condition.
  • In case you have temporary urinary incompetence, this may be caused by factors like excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeine or any carbonated drinks. Artificial sweeteners may also cause temporary urinary incompetence. There can be Urinary incompetence if you eat foods that are spicy, sugary, and acidic, particularly citrus fruits. In very rare cases, overconsumption of chocolate may also trigger this situation temporarily. There are some medications that can cause Urinary incompetence such as heart and blood pressure medications, sedatives, etc. High doses of vitamin C were found to be a reason for temporary Urinary incompetence.
  • If someone is suffering from persistent urinary incompetence it may be because of some factors like pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, prostate cancer, enlarged prostate, etc.
  • Some medical conditions such as UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) or constipation can cause Urinary Incompetence.

When to see a Doctor?

You need to see a doctor in case your Urinary incompetence is causing you to limit your actions, restrict your social interaction, and it reduces your quality of life. Additionally, if you suspect symptoms may be a severe underlying health condition that are making you urinate then, you need to consult a physician.

Lifestyle Prevention of Urinary Incontinence

Preventing Urinary incompetence isn’t always possible. However, there are ways to reduce the possibility of getting this condition.
  • Most importantly, you need to avoid excessive consumption of caffeine or alcohol. Also, evading spicy and acidic food will help you.
  • Try to maintain a healthy weight by working out regularly and eating healthy food.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Urinary Incontinence

Some Ayurvedic home remedies may help you with Urinary Incompetence. Some herbs such as Sesame seed, Amla, Tulsi, Cumin, Reetha, etc. are very effective in treating Urinary incompetence.
  • Sesame seed: Sesame seed is known to have minerals that normalize bladder function. So, taking sesame seeds with jaggery twice daily will help with frequent urination.
  • Amla: Amla frees the bladder and sounds bladder muscles to enhance control on involuntary urination. For most excellent outcomes, crush some Amla and root out the juice, mix it with honey. Guzzle this juice with a ripe banana two times daily and notice the outcome.
  • Tulsi: In certain circumstances of recurrent urination can be triggered because of bladder infection. Tulsi functions very efficiently in reducing bladder contaminations and assisting in controlling urinary functions. Crush 2 or 3 tulsi leaves and take them with one spoon of honey early in the morning.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Sesame seed | Amla | Tulsi | Cumin | Reetha
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known


What is Overeating?

Overeating is a very common condition that occurs when someone eats more calories than the body utilizes for strength and energy. Overeating may lead to many other serious health problems such as obesity, high cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and even a heart condition. So, keeping your food under a check is really important.

What are the Symptoms of Overeating?

The symptoms of overeating are many but there are some obvious symptoms:
Eating a larger than usual quantity of food over a short time is considered overeating. Sometimes you may feel that the way you are eating the food is going out of your control. Right after finishing your food, you start feeling awkwardly filled up. You also tend to eat faster than usual. You may start eating even when you are not even hungry. These all are the symptoms of overeating.

What are the Causes of Overeating?

There is no exact cause of overeating. However, there are some factors that may trigger overeating:
  • Sometimes genetics plays a crucial role. Research suggests any type of eating disorder has a strong genetic element. It is seen that the person who overeats always has someone from the immediate family with the same disorder.
  • Some psychological conditions may also trigger overeating. Some mental conditions such as depression, stress, anxiety, or even anger may trigger overeating.

When to see a Doctor?

Overeating is not a serious health condition and can be managed by making some lifestyle changes. So, medical intervention is not always necessary. However, overeating may lead to serious illnesses and if you have a constant urge to eat a larger quantity of food you should see a doctor, no matter if your weight is healthy.

Lifestyle Prevention of Overeating

Lifestyle prevention is probably the most important measure to avoid overeating. So there are some ways through which overeating can be prevented:
  • The most important one is to maintain a food diary. This is a very useful way to prevent overeating. It will help you identify the food which is causing a false sense of hunger and which food is actually making you less hungry. This way you can change your eating pattern and choice of food.
  • It is always better to eat quality food more frequently. This way it can assist you to feel fuller throughout the day and also help you control blood sugar spikes.
  • Sleeping for longer hours (7 to 8 hours) is good for your health and also keeps you away from food which will eventually prevent overheating.
  • As there are mental conditions that may cause overeating, meditation is helpful. This will allow your mind to calm down and as a result, you may lose the urge to eat a larger amount.
  • Yoga may also be one of the ways to control your emotion and help you to prevent overeating due to emotional reasons.
  • Drinking water before food helps you prevent overeating as it makes you feel fuller before you start eating. Also, try to drink water every time you feel hungry and wait for a few minutes. You may notice that your hunger has reduced.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Overeating

There are some Ayurvedic home remedies that can treat the causes of Overeating. Some of the herbs such as Brahmi, Guggulu, fennel seed, cardamom etc. are very effective in treating the major causes of overeating.
  • Brahmi Milk: Whenever you are feeling hungry, try to drink a cup of Brahmi milk, it will surely suppress the hunger immediately. To make Brahmi milk, add a half teaspoon of brahmi in a cup of billing milk and drink it.
  • Cardamom with Banana: If your hunger is caused by emotional or obsessive eating habits then try to eat a ripe banana chopped up with a pinch of cardamom powder. To enhance the taste add a little bit of ghee.
  • Guggulu: Sometime the overeating may be caused by hyperthyroidism. Use kaishore guggulu which helps in controlling metabolism and soothes overactive thyroid.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known

Toothache (Odontalgia, dentalgia, odontodynia, odontogenic pain)

What is Toothache?

Toothache is a common medical condition that occurs when you experience moderate to severe pain in your teeth or gums. There may be several reasons for a toothache. Mostly it is caused by a cavity, thinning gums, sensitivity, or infection. The pain arises when your roots are exposed due to thinning for gums and cavities.

What are the Symptoms of Toothache?

There are some typical symptoms of toothaches, such as tooth pain that may be strong, pounding, or continuous. In some people, pain affects only when stress is used to the tooth such as biting, bad-tasting drainage from the affected tooth, a foul smell from the mouth, inflammation across the tooth.

What are the Causes of Toothache?

There can be several causes of toothaches. Some of the most common causes are as follows:
Tooth decay is the most common cause of toothaches. In case you have bacterial contamination within the middle of the tooth you can experience a severe toothache. Sometimes broken teeth from any injury may cause toothache. There are instances when you may suffer from gum diseases like gingivitis, or other gum infection which triggers toothaches. In case your teeth are worn out due to any repetitive motion, such as chewing gum or crushing or gritting teeth, you can suffer from toothaches.

When to see a Doctor?

Toothaches are very irritating at times and the pain is unbearable. In case you are suffering from toothaches for more than a day or two, it’s time to visit a dentist. Additionally, if your toothache is accompanied by fever, then that might be a case of severe infection and need immediate medical intervention.

Lifestyle Prevention of Toothache

  • Taking proper care of your teeth is very important. Maintaining mouth hygiene and following a routine check-up is the key. To maintain mouth hygiene, try to brush your teeth regularly with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Also, dental floss at least once a day is a very healthy practice. For a routine check-up, try to visit your dentist at least twice a year.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Toothache

There are some amazing Ayurvedic remedies for toothache. Using some herbal oils like tea-tree oil or clove oil is very effective on toothaches. Also, herbs like Amla, Neem, Garlic, Cloves, etc. can be very useful in curing toothaches.
  • Herbal Oils: Tea tree oil and clove oil is very effective on toothaches. These oils have healing properties and have been curing toothaches for centuries. Just apply these oils with a cotton swab on the site of the pain.
  • Amla Powder: Amla is very useful in restoring and improving connector tissues, therefore, maintaining the teeth well, healthy, and germs-free. Use one tsp of Amla powder every day for a longstanding oral health benefit.
  • Turmeric Powder: Turmeric is known for its antibacterial properties and works great to prevent dental cavities. Mix the turmeric powder with mustard oil to make a paste and apply to the affected area before going to the bed.
Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Clove Oil | Peppermint tea | Garlic | Turmeric | Tea Tree Oil | Amla
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known