Archives for Mar 21, 2021

Mint (Pudhina)

Mint Scientific Name


Mint Other Names

English: Mint, Miontas
Hindi: Pudhina, Podina
French: Aneth odorant, Fenouil bâtard, la menthe
Spanish: Menta
Latin: Maentha piperita Linn. Mentha spicata, Mentham
Sanskrit: Putiha, Podinaka, Phudino

What is Mint?

Mint is an Ayurvedic herb, highly prized for its innumerable therapeutic properties and often used for it’s freshness and taste. It belongs to the plant family Lamiaceae, however, there are more than 13-24 species of mint due to hybridization.
Mint is mainly known for it’s ability relax and reduce excessive contraction of intestinal muscles, which makes it a great remedy for Irritable Bowl Syndrome including indigestion and dyspepsia. Mint leaves are widely used fresh or dried in a spectrum of culinary dishes, Its’s leaves render a warm, fresh, aromatic sweet flavour and deliver a cool taste which is used in making tea, beverages, jellies, syrup, ice cream and candies.
Mint is found to improve haemoglobin content in blood and brain functionality as it is rich source of iron, potassium and manganese. Mint leaves are abundant source of antioxidants and phytonutrients and are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, B-complex, Calcium.

Common forms of Mint

Leaf, Oil

Mint is commonly used for:

  • Maintaining digestive health & treating Nausea, Vommiting and Irritable Bowl Syndrome
  • Treating hypertension, stress and depression
  • Boosting immunity
  • Curing muscle and nerve pains and toothaches
  • Morning Sickness (Hyperemesis gravidarum)
  • Maintaining skin health
  • Promoting respiratory health and treating asthama and other Lung infections
  • Relieving headache
  • Boosting memory
  • Improving heart health and blood circulation
  • Assisting milk secretion during breast-feeding
  • Jet Lag
  • Urinary Tract infection (Cystitis)
  • Treating menstrual cramps

Mint Dosage

Leaf Juice: 5 to10 ml
Cold Infusion: 25 to 30 ml
Oil: 1 to 3 drops

Mint Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Heartburn, Dry mouth, Nausea and Vomiting.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: It is likely safe to consume in amount found normally in food but one should avoid taking it in larger therapeutic amounts of during pregnancy or lactation.
Children: Food amounts are likely safe.

Where to Buy Mint in US?