Archives for June 2021

Refreshing Ayurvedic Lassi

Lassi is a combination of unsweetened plain yoghurt mixed with spices and blended in a smooth drink. It is known to aid in digestion, especially when made with the spices used in this recipe. It is a calming, refreshing and filling drink, consumed after a meal in India (which tends to be spicy). Lassi is usually made sweet with sugar but can be made savory. It can be made in different flavors by adding essence or fruit pulp. It can be consumed even in winter.

Good for all doshas (kapha, vata, pitta).

Prep Time: 3 Mins
Total Time: 5 Mins
Serves: 2 persons



  1. Add all the ingredients in a blender and blend into a smooth drink.
  2. Garnish with Coriander or mint leaves
  3. (Optional) Add ice.

Serving suggestions

Serve immediately.
Preferably make fresh and avoid leftovers as the flavour and freshness is lost when stored.


Avoid having Lassi just before bed.

Check out the Ayurvedic benefits of ingredients used in this recipe

Digestive Tea

Human health extensively depends on efficient digestion and skillfully tending to digestive fire. This recipe is a simple tea that helps in promoting healthy appetite and efficient secretion of digestive juices. The ingredients are known to promote digestive capacity and enhance absorption of nutrients.

Helps in balancing all 3 doshas (kapha, vata, pitta).

Prep Time: 5 Mins
Total Time: 25 Mins
Serves: 1 person



  1. Add black pepper, ginger and lemongrass to water and bring it to a boil
  2. Reduce to about ½ the quantity
  3. Add Honey and Salt. Turn off the flame
  4. Set aside for few minutes
  5. Add lime juice before consuming

Serving suggestions

Serve hot.
Avoid reheating. Store in thermos.


Consume about 30 mins before every meal.

Check out the Ayurvedic benefits of ingredients used in this recipe

Poha (Flattend Rice Preparation)

Poha is a dried flattened rice that softens up when soaked in water. It is made by the process of rolling, similar to rolled oats. This is a perfect breakfast recipe to kick-start your day with complex carbohydrates. It is easily digestible, low in gluten, and rich in iron.

This recipe is good for balancing all 3 doshas (vata, pitta, kapha).
Skip mustard seeds and peanuts if you have severe pitta dosha.

Prep Time: 10 Mins
Total Time: 20 Mins
Serves: 4 persons


  • 3 cups of flattened rice or poha. Using thin poha will make this dish soggy.
  • 1 ½ T cup safflower or avocado oil (or any other oil that can be heated at high temperature)
  • ½ cup chopped onion (optional)
  • 1t black mustard seeds
  • 1t cumin seeds
  • 7 to 8 curry leaves, fresh or dried
  • Salt (or as required) preferably Himalayan salt
  • a big pinch of  turmeric
  • a big pinch of Hing (asafoetida)
  • 1/4th cup chopped cilantro leaves
  • 1 small green chili, chopped fine
  • Fresh coconut/coconut flakes, lemon and peanuts to Garnish 


  1. Add water to the poha, wash and drain twice. Set aside.
  2. Add oil to the frying pan and let it heat over a medium flame and add mustard and cumin seeds. Wait till they splutter and add hing and turmeric. Followed by curry leaves and green chilies.
  3. Add chopped onion and fry till translucent.
  4. Sprinkle the salt over the soaked poha and add it to the onion mixture and Mix well.
  5. Put a lid and let it steam for 3 mins and mix well again. Repeat twice.
  6. Sprinkle water if the mixture becomes too dry.
  7. Add cilantro leaves, mix and turn off the heat.
  8. Let it sit for a few minutes and serve hot.
  9. Garnish with coconut flakes, peanuts, and a squeeze of lemon juice.

Serving suggestions

Serve fresh and hot.
Avoid storing in the refrigerator as the rice flakes might get dry and chewy.


You can add vegetables like carrots, peas, cabbage, etc and stir-fry with the onions to incorporate more fiber content.

Check out the Ayurvedic benefits of ingredients used in this recipe

Siris (Lebbeck)

Siris Scientific Name

Albizia lebbeck

Siris Other Names

English: Lebbeck, Lebbek tree, Flea tree, Frywood, Koko, Woman’s tongue tree
Hindi: Sirish
Sanskrit: Shukpriya

What is Siris?

Siris or Shirish is an herb known for its anti-poisoning properties in Ayurveda. The tree is used to make timber and fuel for forage, environmental management, and medicine. It also works as an astringent and is used for coughs, boils, gingivitis, flu, and other lung problems. The bark is used to treat inflammation, while the leaves and the seeds are used to treat ophthalmia and other eye problems.

Common forms of Siris

Bark, Seeds, Leaves, Fruits, Powder, Juice, Decoction

Siris is commonly used for:

  • Curing dental problem
  • Treating blood disorders, erysipelas and inflammatory skin conditions
  • Treating night blindness (decoction of its leaves can be used as eye drops)
  • Relieving chronic congestion
  • Curing wounds, lymphadenitis and skin diseases
  • Urinary Tract infection (Cystitis)

Siris Vach Dosage

Powder: 3-6g per day
Juice: 10-20ml
Decoction: 100ml

Siris Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Excess amount may cause vomiting.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing mothers: Due to a lack of scientific research, it is best to avoid Siris during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Children: Not known.

The red dye obtained from the bark can cause skin irritation. Additionally, men suffering from low sperm count and poor motility of sperm should avoid taking this herb.

Where to Buy Siris in US?

Jamalgota (Purging Croton)

Jamalgota Scientific Name

Croton tiglium

Jamalgota Other Names

English: Purging Croton
Hindi: Jamalgota, Jaypal

What is Jamalgota?

Jamalgota, also known as Purging Croton, is a strong laxative, which works to encourage bowel movement. However, it has potent effects, which may cause cramps during defecation and loose stools. Beyond treating constipation, its a medicinal plant which is used in Ayurveda to stop problems like arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders, constipation, pimples, dysentery, intestinal pain, baldness, peptic ulcer, dyspepsia, headache, and intestinal inflammation. The seeds are mostly used as detritus (dead particulate organic material).

Common forms of Jamalgota

Seeds, Powder, Oil

Jamalgota is commonly used for:

  • Treating both persistent and obstinate constipation
  • Treating gastrointestinal ulcers
  • Reducing muscle and joint pain
  • Treating hemorrhoids
  • Treating skin tags
  • Treating abscess
  • Treating jaundice
  • Treating rheumatoid arthritis

Jamalgota Vach Dosage

Purified Croton Kernels: 5-25 mg once a day or as prescribed.
Croton Root Powder: 100-1000 mg once a day or as prescribed.
External Bark of Croton Roots: 500-1000 mg once a day or as prescribed.

Jamalgota Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Unpurified or unprocessed Jamalgota is unsafe and may cause severe irritation and inflammation in the alimentary canal and may result in the following side effects: stupor, acid dyspepsia, dizziness, vomiting, severe cramps, burning in the abdomen, diarrhea, ulceration in the mouth, severe abdominal tenderness.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Due to a lack of scientific research, it is recommended to not take Jamalgota while pregnant or nursing.
Children: Avoid taking Jamalgota.

1) Unpurified Croton oil is unsafe. 20 drops of croton oil can lead to death. Even a single drop may cause negative side effects.
2) It should not be used under the following health conditions: acute abdomen, acid reflux, before and after surgery, endometritis (inflammation of endometrium), ulcerative colitis and other inflammatory conditions of the abdomen, gastritis, abdominal pain, bleeding disorders.

Where to Buy Jamalgota in US?

Masala Tea (Masala Chai)

Masala tea is a decoction of fermented black tea leaves (mostly from hilly regions of Assam or Darjeeling in India) with a mixture of several herbs and spices. The most common of which are cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, black pepper and fresh herbs like mint or holy basil. It is usually mixed with sugar or jaggery and warm cow’s milk.

It is best for balancing all 3 doshas (kapha, vata, pitta). The spices can be modified for balancing specific doshas.

Prep Time: 5 Mins
Total Time: 15 Mins
Serves: 4 persons


  • 3 cups water
  • 1 Tbsp of Black tea
  • 4 cloves
  • A pinch of nutmeg powder
  • A pinch of cinnamon powder
  • A pinch of cardamom powder
  • 1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger, chopped fine
  • A pinch of black pepper powder
  • 1 cup milk (preferably whole cow’s milk)
  • 2 tsp sugar, Sucanat, or other sugar


  1. Boil the water with the spices for 2 minutes.
  2. Boil the milk separately and reduce the flame.
  3. Reduce the spice decoction to about three quarters and add the black tea. Reduce the flame and simmer till the decoction looks amber coloured.
  4. Add sugar and hot milk to the decoction
  5. Filter and serve hot.

Serving suggestions

Serve hot.
Avoid reheating as reheating causes loss of flavour and medicinal properties.


Avoiding sugar might bring out the heat of spices and make the tea taste spicy. 

Avoid consuming at night, as it may affect sleep.

Check out the Ayurvedic benefits of ingredients used in this recipe