Archives for Mar 26, 2021

Sandalwood (Chandan)

Sandalwood Scientific Name

Santalum album

Sandalwood Other Names

English: Sandalwood
Hindi: Chandan, Srigandha
French: Bois de santal
German: Sandelholz
Spanish: Sándalo
Sanskrit: Chandanan

What is Sandalwood?

Sandalwood is obtained from barks and stems of the Sandalwood tree. There are wide stretches of Sandalwood forests in south western region of India, which is the main source of this unique Ayurvedic ingredient. It is also known as Srigandha as per Ayurveda is one the oldest and treasured source of natural fragrance. Sandalwood has an inherent calming and cooling effect which makes it part of many Ayurvedic treatments that aim at reducing the body heat.

Besides fragrance, Sandalwood has hepatoprotective property which helps in managing liver and gallbladder problems.
Some studies suggest that sandalwood tea is of great help in healing mental problems. Smell of Sandalwood is considered to be mood-uplifting and widely used in aroma therapy. Also, sandalwood oil can be used to improve skin quality as it promotes skin cell growth. It also helps to deal with numerous other health issues such as headaches, respiratory infections, reducing inflammation, etc.
Almost all studies show external application of Sandalwood and concentrated ingestion is strongly discouraged.

Common forms of Sandalwood

Powder, Oil, Paste (that is obtained by rubbing the bark against grindstone usually in circular motion with little water)

Sandalwood is commonly used for:

Sandalwood Dosage

Powder: 1-3 g of sandalwood powder a day (edible) in combination with honey/sugar
Oil: Take a few drops of Sandalwood oil in combination with sugar or as directed by the ayurvedic doctor
External application of Sandalwood oil/powder is found to be safe in non-allergic individuals

Sandalwood Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Excessive use might cause skin allergies, itching, dermatitis.
Not so common side-effects: Gastrointestinal disturbances.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Avoid or consult a physician before using Sandalwood.
Children: Not known.

Where to Buy Sandalwood in US?