Archives for Aug 19, 2021

Angina (angina pectoris)

What is Angina?

Angina is a heart condition. It occurs when the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscles lessened by an accumulation of fatty ingredients. This is the time when the heart muscle does not receive adequate blood and oxygen supply resulting in severe pain and can be frightening. Usually, the pain begins from the breastbone in the bottom of the chest, extends to the left shoulder, and goes along the inner side of the upper arm to the tip of the little finger. If you have unexplained chest pain, seek medical attention right away.

What are the Symptoms of Angina?

The symptoms of Angina involve chest pain and discomfort. It feels like the chest is squeezing, burning and the patient experiences tremendous pressure on the chest. The pain can spread to your arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back.

Might Experience:

  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating

What are the Causes of Angina?

Angina is caused when the heart arteries become narrowed by fatty deposits called plaques. It reduces the blood flow to the heart muscle. This condition is also called coronary artery disease (CAD). However, the causes which trigger Angina can be categorized into three types. Stable angina, Unstable angina, and Prinzmetal’s angina.

Stable angina is a condition when your heart demands more blood due to physical activities like climbing stairs, exercising, walking, etc. but unable to get that due to narrowed arteries. However, some other factors like emotional stress, cold temperatures, heavy meals, and smoking can also narrow arteries and cause angina.

Unstable angina is considered to be more severe as this condition occurs when the blood vessel got raptured due to the excessive fatty deposits and suddenly decreases the blood flow to the heart muscle. This happens as the ruptured blood vessels can form blood clots that partially block the heart’s blood vessels, and it may cause a heart attack.

Illegal drug cocaine may initiate Prinzmetal’s angina. This kind of angina is triggered by a rapid spasm in a coronary artery, which momentarily reduces the artery.

When to see a Doctor?

Any heart condition can turn into severe and may need immediate medical assistance. For angina one should not wait if the chest pain lasts longer than a few minutes and doesn’t go away even after taking medicines prescribed for angina. This may be because you are having a heart attack. However if you are experiencing discomfort in your chest for the first time and causing moderate to severe chest pain then you need to see a doctor immediately.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Angina

  • Quitting smoking.
  • Monitoring and controlling health conditions, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.
  • Eating a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Increasing your physical activity after you get your doctor’s OK. Aim for 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. Plus, it’s recommended that you get 10 minutes of strength training twice a week and to stretch three times a week for five to 10 minutes each time.
  • Reducing your stress level.
  • Limiting alcohol consumption to two drinks or fewer a day for men, and one drink a day or less for women.
  • Getting an annual flu shot to avoid heart complications from the virus

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Angina

Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Shringa bhasma, Musta and Arjuna churna mix| Arjuna, Saffron mix in milk and water | Ginger and Shringa bhasma paste
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known

Bites and Stings

What is Bites and Stings?

Bites and Stings is a condition that occurs when someone is bitten or got stung from a venomous insect. When any venomous insect bite it can irritate pitta under the skin. This condition can form sporadic hypersensitive reactions or may even produce sting-bite nephritis, a severe condition including generalized swelling and breathing difficulty which may lead to choking.

What are the Symptoms of Bites and Stings?

  • Swelling
  • Redness or rash
  • Pain in skin or muscles
  • Itching skin
  • Heat rash near infected area
  • Area may become tender and experience tingling and numb sensation
Might Experience: If you experience any of the symptoms below, Please seek immediate medical attention:
  • Elevated body temperature
  • Hard time breathing
  • Become nauseous or throw up
  • Allergic reaction in lips, tongue or throat
  • Disorientated
  • Victim passes out.

What are the Causes of Bites and Stings?

This condition is only caused by venomous insects. When they inject venom into your skin you experience several difficulties like excessive itching or pain. It can cause fever and other allergic reactions as well.

When to see a Doctor?

Mostly this condition can be treated at home with non-prescription medications, but you need to see a doctor if the condition is worsening, and the wound hasn’t healed even after several weeks. However, in case an insect bite is followed by feeling ill or having fever, then without any further delay you need to visit a doctor.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Bites and Stings

  • Dress in hats and attire that provide complete coverage
  • Wearing neutral colors and avoiding flowery designs
  • Avoiding perfume and aromatic cream or lotion
  • Covering up foods and drinks
  • Using citronella candles or insect repellent

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Bites and Stings

Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Neem Oil or Paste | Sandalwood and Turmeric Powder
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:

Athlete’s Foot (tinea pedis)

What is Athlete’s Foot?

Athlete’s Foot is a skin condition where the patient develops a fungal infection that begins between the toes. This is usually seen in people who tend to have sweaty feet due to tight fitting shoes. So it mostly affects people who live in a hot and tropical region where they sweat a lot.

What are the Symptoms of Athlete’s Foot?

Typical: The symptoms are usually like any other fungal infections. This includes Itchiness, developing a scaly red rash in the affected region, inflammation between toes etc.
Might Experience: It might also cause pain in the affected areas along with itchiness and inflammation.

What are the Causes of Athlete’s Foot?

Like all the other fungal infections, this is also very contagious. So there is a possibility that you might get affected by someone already infected. If you use the same shoes or you happen to use the same floor, there is a high possibility that you will be infected as well.
Also, this condition can be caused by wearing damp socks for prolonged time. The infections like ringworm, jock itch and athlete’s foot are caused by the same fungus which grows in warm and humid conditions.

When to see a Doctor?

There might be situations where you can develop rashes on your foot that is not Athlete’s foot. It can be normal rashes. However, if it stays more than two weeks even after taking over the counter medications, see a doctor. For those who have diabetes. they shouldn’t wait and immediately see a doctor if you suspect an athlete’s foot and experience excessive redness, swelling, drainage or fever.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Athlete’s Foot

Preventing fungal infections like athlete’s Foot is difficult but not impossible. Avoiding fermented food and sugar is advisable if someone already has this condition or is prone to it. Apart from this, hygiene is very important to avoid having athlete’s foot. Try to keep your feet clean and dry as much as possible. Also change your socks regularly and keeping alternate pairs of shoes will help you maintain foot hygiene. In case you already have this condition then try to wear light and well ventilated shoes and avoid wearing shoes that are made of synthetic materials. It is also advised not to share your shoes or socks with anyone as this is a contiguous disease and you might get infected from another infected person.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Athlete’s Foot

Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Garlic I Yogurt I Lemon I Marigold
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Not Known


What is Allergy?

Allergies are a doshic reaction to certain allergens. For instance, one can be allergic to pollen, dust, chemicals on a rug, ragweed, or any strong chemical stench. As per the Ayurvedic samprapti (pathogenesis), there can be several factors that cause this condition in the human body.

What are the Symptoms of Allergy?

Typical: Sneezing, itchy, runny or blocked nose, itchy red watering eyes, wheezing, chest tightness, Vomiting or diarrhea, dry red and cracked skin.
Might Experience: Skin rash, hives, nausea

What are the Causes of Allergy?

There are different factors that can cause allergies. It can be airborne or it can be from any food. You also may experience allergies while taking some medicines. So when it comes to airborne allergens it can be caused by pollen or animal dander and also from dust and molds. Foods like peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, soy, eggs, and fish can also cause allergies. Those who are prone to allergies should avoid taking penicillin-based antibiotics.

When to see a Doctor?

If you have symptoms like watery eyes, Running nose, Cough and cold then you can wait for a month and then see a doctor if it doesn’t go away or worsen. However, It is advised to seek immediate medical attention in case you are experiencing severe symptoms like ear infection, sinus infection, and headache.

Regular screening: The most common allergy test is known to be a scratch test. In this test, the doctor places a tiny tad of an allergen on the skin and then pierce the outer coating of the skin.

Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Allergy

Identifying the cause of an allergic reaction is the most important part when it comes to lifestyle prevention, as it can be caused by many factors. However, there are some common lifestyle changes one can follow to prevent allergies.

Keeping a watch on your food intake and combinations can prevent allergies. Some food combinations are not suitable for people having allergies. Combinations like milk and yogurt, meat and dairy, poultry or dairy, melon, and grains, etc should be avoided. It is also advisable to avoid any banana milkshakes or fruit smoothies made with milk. But most importantly identifying the source of the allergy and then avoiding the cause is the key to prevent suffering from this condition. Those who are prone to allergies should avoid any interactions with cats, dogs, pollen, mold, and so on. Staying away from any synthetic fiber is advisable. Materials like polyester and rayon can cause pitta-type skin allergies.

Using natural and herbal remedies is very much advisable for any kind of disease. Herbal products like neem oil are very effective when it comes to preventing any environmental allergen. Applying neem oil to the exposed parts of the body is suitable as it has disinfectant properties. Also taking Triphala ½ to 1 teaspoon at night can have a good effect on all three types of allergies.

Common Ayurvedic Remedies for Allergy

Curative Ayurvedic Herbs:
Preventative Ayurvedic Herbs: