Archives for Jul 8, 2021

Kamrakh (Carambola)

Kamrakh Scientific Name

Averrhoa carambola

Kamrakh Other Names

English: Star Fruit Tree, Carambola Tree
Hindi: Karmarang, Kamarang, Kamrakh
Taiwanese: Dah Pon
Thai: Foang Tung
Malaysian: Maha
Indonesian: Demak
Sanskrit: Brihadamla

What is Kamrakh?

Kamrakh, scientifically known as Averrhoa carambola, is distinct because of its star-shaped feature. Originally from Southeast Asia, it is commonly eaten around the world. It is used as a source of Vitamin C and fiber. In Ayurveda, is commonly used to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome, cough, and cold. Additionally, juice from Kamrakh leaves helps to reduce blood pressure.

Common forms of Kamrakh

Seeds, Leaves, Fruit

Kamrakh is commonly used for:

  • Maintaining healthy bones
  • Maintaining healthy hair
  • Reducing cholesterol
  • Controlling diabetes
  • Strengthening digestive system
  • Losing weight
  • Treating fever
  • Treating skin diseases
  • Curing scurvy
  • Treating piles
  • Treating various stomach diseases
  • Treating dysentery
  • Controlling asthma

Kamrakh Dosage

Fruit juice: 10-40ml or as prescribed.
Seed powder: 1-2g or as prescribed.
Decoction of leaves: 10-20ml or as prescribed.

Kamrakh Side-effects and Warnings

Common side-effects: Not known.
Not so common side-effects: Not known.
Pregnant or Nursing Mothers: Not safe during pregnancy because it may cause uterine contractions.
Children: Not known.

Do not consume Kamrakh in large quantities. Since it contains Oxalic Acid and Caramboxin, those with kidney stones, kidney failure, and are on dialysis treatment should not take Kamrakh.

Where to Buy Kamrakh in the US?