Worlds most comprehensive Ayurveda Dosha Quiz World's Most Comprehensive Ayurveda Dosha Quiz Find out your exact Ayurveda body constitution type in this detailed quiz. "*" indicates required fields Step 1 of 8 12% General Physical Characteristics What best describes your body frame?* Thin and unusually tall or short Medium body Large body How is your bone structure?* Light/small bones and/or prominent joints Medium bone structure Heavy large stocky bone structure How was your body structure as a child* Thin as a child Medium weight as a child Weighed heavier throughout childhood and on My joints are:* Prominent and stiff, crack easily Medium sized- loose and flexible Large and well-padded Which of these decribes your body hair?* Body hair is scanty or overly abundant – tends to be coarse, curly Light body hair, finely textured; early Moderate amount of body hair How would you describe your skin complexion?* Dark complexion compared to family – tans easily Fair skin. Sun burns easily; freckles Tans evenly beautiful skin color from sun Which best describes your skin?* Dry skin, chaps easily, prone to calluses Oily skin, prone to pimples and rashes Balanced skin, thicker skin with usually no need for lubrication External Physical Characteristics (1 of 2)Which best describes your hair?* As a child, hair kinky/curly As a child, hair fine/light hair often blond As a child, hair wavy/thick What best describes your face?* I have long face I have heart-shaped face I have round face. Which best describes your forehead?* Small forehead , Medium forehead with folds and lines Large forehead usually few lines Which best describes your eye troubles?* Often dry and itchy Sensitive can get red from over-work or environment Tendency to get puffy eyes Which best describes your eyes?* Small active eyes often darker color Medium light-green, grey, amber, or blue eyes Intense eyes Large, liquid eyes easy to look at Which best decbribes your teeth?* Crooked, uneven, buck teeth; braces when younger Medium, even teeth, gums bleed easily Large, even, gleaming teeth How are your gums?* Thin, prone to receding gums Prone to Inflamed, bleeding gums Thick healthy gums External Physical Characteristics (2 of 2)Which best describes your tongue?* Short in length, dry tongue with thin grayish coating Pointed tongue, yellow/reddish coating Large tongue with thick white coating Which best describes your lips?* Cracking and chapping is common Cold sores, fewer blisters are common Full, moist lips How is your chin?* Delicate chin Moderate chin Large chin and jaw Which best describes palms?* Cold hands. Perspires little Usually warmer than others. Perspires easily Moderate temperature and perspiration What is the structure of your fingers/toes?* Long tapering fingers/toes Medium. fingers/ toes Large fingers/toes Which best describes your nails?* Brittle nails Flexible nails, but strong Strong thick nails not flexible Physical Tendency (1 of 2)Which best describes your appetite?* Variable appetite, likes to skip meals, feels lighter Very good, gets irritated if meal is missed Consistent appetite, can skip meals without irritability or physical problems Do you get thirsty often?* It depends, keeps changing Yes Not really Which are your common digestive troubles?* Flatulence and bloating Acidity and heartburn Lazy and lethargic feeling Which best describes your bowel movement?* Irregular, hard, dry, sharp pain; constipation Small, loose stools (at least twice daily) Large full bowel movements once a day. Takes longer to empty Which best describes your symtoms around your mentrual cycle? Irregular, scanty flow, severe, painful cramps Heavy flow, but of shorter duration often accompanied by loose stools Moderate flow, slight cramps, prone to water-weight retention Physical Tendency (2 of 2)Which best describes your weight-gain?* Difficulty gaining weight Can gain or lose weight with minor lifestyle changes Gains weight easily, but hard time losing it without exercising On what body parts do you tend to put on weight?* Weight gains mainly around the middle If weight gain, it’s evenly distributed Weight gains mainly in rear/thighs Which best describes your speech?* Rapid and at times unclear Sharp and at times penetrating Slow and at times monotonous What best describes your pulse?* Thin, fast, variable pulse Strong, full pulse Steady, slow, rhythmic pulse Which best describes your sleep cycle?* Light, I wake up frequently Usually sleep well and wake up energetic Sound and heavy (at least 8 hours) and I wake up slowly What are your Dreams like?* I have restless dreams, prone to nightmares, dream about flying Action-packed, with conflicts and passion Romantic, short dreams, often with water Personal Assessment (1 of 2)Which best describes your memory?* Good short-term memory, but forgets easily Quick memory, accurate past and future Slow memory recall but accurate past and future In most cases how is your response after thinking?* Faulty response Accurate response Exact response What best describes your thinking?* I think fast and arrive at a conclusion quickly I think at normal speed and arrive at a conclusion in adequate time. I think slowly and arrive at a conclusion late. Which best describes your decision making?* I find it difficult to make decisions, I change my mind easily I make quick decisions I am slow to make decisions but I rarely change my mind. What is your usual response to stress?* fear, anxiety towards self destructive behavior irritability, anger, frustration; tends to point fingers at others, at times more focused Avoidance behaviors which creates apathy Personal Assessment (2 of 2)Which best describes you as a person?* Creative, spontaneous artist Organized thinker/leader Constantly organizing, likes order Prefers to work under routine and to support ideals and goals of work environment or organization What do you think is your best quality?* Flexibility Directness, openness Steadiness What do people around you think your best quality is?* Creativity Leadership qualities Loyalty, understanding, acceptance and compassion What do you think is your worst quality?* Sneaky Manipulative Apathy, laziness What do people around you think your worst quality is?* Victimizing myself, have self destructive behaviors Blaming others not taking responsibility for self Avoiding difficult situations not being direct Personal PreferencesWhich best describes your preference for physical activity?* Like to stay physically active Exercise to reduce stress and feel better Like leisurely activities, games, cards, movies Do you like a set routine?* Not really. I enjoy routine especially planning/organizing my own. I work well with routine What are your go-to food choices?* Snacks, crunchy dry foods Spicy foods, proteins and caffeine Sweets, dairy, breads, pastry Which best describes your spending mentality?* I spend money impulsively I plan and spend money on special purchases I like to save. I spend money reluctantly. Which best describes your friends circle?* Know a lot of people, few close friends Very selective with friends. makes enemies easily Very loyal and has many friends. What best describes your climate preferences?* Prefer warm climate, sunshine, moisture. Dislike dry, cold Prefer cool, well-ventilated places Can tolerate most climates as long as its not too humid Which best describes your work behavior?* Prefer multitasking, often tasks are undone Prefer organization and order in projects. Plan few tasks and complete them. 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