Archives for Aug 9, 2022

Aromatic Kapha-Balancing Chai

This delicious Kapha-balancing Chai promotes inner warmth and keeps the digestive fires alive. Spices with a pungent flavor, such as tulsi, turmeric, and others, can alleviate cold-induced fatigue while improving flexibility and mobility. The potent and energizing aroma awakens the senses and aids with nausea relief and uplifts mood.

Good for Kapha Dosha

Prep Time: 10 Min
Total Time: 40 Min
Serves: 2-3 Person



  1. Heat the water in a pot over medium-high heat. Gently crush the cardamom pods to loosen the seeds. Add the cardamom pods while the water is still boiling.
  2. When you have about half the liquid left, add the spices to the water and simmer for 20 to 25 minutes.
  3. Remove from the heat and add the tulsi leaves. Allow the leaves to simmer for another 3-5 minutes before adding milk (optional).
  4. Add the milk, stir, then strain and pour into a cup. You can add honey as needed. Enjoy while it’s hot


According to Ayurveda, adding honey to hot tea lowers its medicinal effects. It is better to add honey to the tea after it has cooled slightly.

Check out the Ayurvedic benefits of ingredients used in this recipe